Select which storage to use in case more of them exist — sometimes devices can have multiple physical volumes that could contain external storage. For example, a device can allocate a partition of its internal memory as external storage, but can also provide external storage on an SD card. T...
2023-01-25 16:54:58,098 [105635698] INFO - #o.j.k.i.s.r.KotlinCompilerReferenceIndexStorage - KCRI storage is opened: took 142 ms for 6 storages (filling map: 130 ms, flush to storage: 12 ms)2023-01-25 16:54:58,915...
Also I noticed that the exception messages are different in different Java versions Java 8: kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KTypeImpl cannot be cast to kotlin.jvm.internal.TypeReference Java 17: class kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KTypeImpl cannot be cast to class kotlin.jvm.internal.TypeReference (kotl...
AndroidAppUpdateLibrary Android App Update Library can be used for downloading the Apk from a link , Save it to External or Internal Storage, Than automatic installing the apk. Remember to add provider xml and android runtime permission before using this library. See sample use in app folder....
In the case of corrupt Gradle processes, you can also try closing the IDE and then killing all Java processes. 这个主要是gradle版本和插件版本不匹配造成的。 我的gradle版本用的是6.5 【\工程名\gradle\wrapper\gradle\wrapper查看】 工程根目录,找到build.gradle,把
gradle没有注意到我,但site from the official guide说最新版本是4.11.0)。所以我改变了 ...
Kotlin:223-1.7.21-release-272-IJ8214.52 Yes 0 No Comment actions 2023-01-25 16:51:51,322 [105448922] INFO - #o.j.k.i.s.r.Kotl...
The core logic is written in C++, loaded as a native library by the app. The app handles I/O, while the C++ code does the heavy lifting and actual patching, in-memory. I chose to do this in C++ instead of Kotlin because of memory usage and speed concerns. ...
"@react-native-async-storage/async-storage": "^1.16.1", "@react-native-community/cli-platform-android": "^9.3.4", "@react-native-community/geolocation": "^2.0.2", "@react-native-community/masked-view": "^0.1.7", "@react-native-picker/picker": "^2.1.0", ...
Run the project on android in debug mode Everything should works but we should have java deprecated warning Run the android release build. And it should crash with the following issue > Task :app:mergeReleaseResources FAILED > Task :react-native-safe-area-context:compileReleaseKotlin w: /Users...