6) solitary wave 孤立波 1. The interaction of thesolitary wavewith a vertically walled porous structure; 孤立波与直墙式多孔介质结构相互作用数值分析 2. Numerical simulation ofsolitary wavepropagation based on MPS method; 基于MPS无网格方法的孤立波传播的数值模拟 ...
"Internal Solitary Wave Refraction at Dongsha Atoll South China Sea." Geophysical Research Letters 40 (12): 3128-3132. doi:10.1002/grl.50614.Li, X., C. R. Jackson, and W. G. Pichel (2013), Internal solitary wave refraction at Dongsha Atoll South China Sea, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40...
Internal solitary waves (ISWs) in the NE South China Sea (SCS) are tidally generated at the Luzon Strait. Their propagation, evolution and dissipation processes involve numerous issues still poorly understood. Here, a novel method of sei... Q Tang,C Wang,D Wang,... - 《Scientific Reports...
[1] The internal wave field in the real-time numerical simulation at the Naval Research Laboratory is analyzed during AprilMay 2007, a period of intensive field observations in the northern South China Sea. Internal solitary waves are detected in the plots of the surface baroclinic velocity and ...
N. Propagation of solitary internal waves in two-layer ocean of variable depth. Izv. Atmos. Ocean. Phys. 51, 89–97 (2015). Article Google Scholar Grimshaw, R. Nonlinear Wave Equations for Oceanic Internal Solitary Waves. Stud. Appl. Math. 136(2), 214–237 (2016). Article MathSci...
With characteristics of large amplitude and strong current, internal solitary wave (ISW) is a major hazard to marine engineering and submarine navigation; it also has significant impacts on marine ecosystems and fishery activity. Among the world oceans, ISWs are particular active in the northern Sou...
Tang, "Large-eddy simulation of the generation and propagation of internal solitary waves," SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, vol. 57, no. 6, pp. 1128-1136, 2014.Large-eddy simulation of the generation and propagation of internal solitary waves[J] . Hai Zhu,LingLing Wang,HongWu...
A combined numerical and experimental study of the propagation of an internal solitary wave (ISW) over a corrugated bed is presented, in which the amplitude and the wavelength of the corrugated bed, together with the wave amplitude and wave speed of the ISW, have been varied parametrically. Bot...
The generation and propagation of internal solitary waves in three possible straits among the Luzon Strait are simulated, and the reasons for the asymmetry of their propagation are also explained. 展开 关键词: Internal wave Soliton Numerical model South China Sea Marée interne Modèle numérique de...
Internal solitary wavestratification conditionthe Miyata-Choi-Camassa (MCC) modelthe Dubreil-Jacotin-Long (DJL) equationBoussinesq approximationThe two-layer fluid system and the continuous density system are based on two typical simplified stratification conditions to support the propagation of the ...