revenue-driven expenses Operating expenses that vary in proportion to changes in total sales revenue (total dollars of sales). Examples are sales commissions based on sales revenue, credit card discount expenses, and rents and franchise fees based on sales revenue. These expenses are one of the ...
The meaning of INTERNAL REVENUE CODE is legislation governing federal tax law. The Internal Revenue Code was first enacted into law in 1939 as a compilation of U.S. statutes relating to internal revenue from 1862 to 1938 that were still in force in 1939.
(3) if it is organized as a separate entity from the governmental unit that created it and if it otherwise meets the organizational and operational tests of section 501(c)(3). Examples of a qualifying instrumentality might include state schools, universities, or hospitals. However, if an ...
Internalrevenuecode 系统标签: revenuecodeinternalremissioncoursesgraduate InternalRevenueCode(IRC)§127PlanAllGraduatetuitionremissionistaxableunlessexemptundertheInternalRevenueCode.UndertheUniversity'sEducationalAssistance/TuitionRemissionPlanthatisincompliancewithInternalRevenueCode(IRC)§127,$5,250percalendaryear(Janua...
internal revenue 例句 1.The Internal Revenue Service sought to disallow the payments. 国内收入署试图驳回这些缴纳款。 2.One of the most familiar examples is the Internal Revenue Service. 人们最熟悉的例子之一是国内税务署. 3.The federal income tax is governed by the Internal Revenue Code. ...
1 英语翻译 Losses in excess of basis-pursuant to internal revenue code(IRC) section 1366,a shareholder in an s corporation may not deduct s corporation losses in excess of their basis in stock and/or debt.each shareholder’s stock basis and debt(loans from shareholders)basis should be compute...
The Internal Revenue Code privileges married couples in several different ways. Not only do certain rules offer economic benefit, but the rules also serve an expressive function by delivering a message about the value of marriage. Despite the existence of the marriage tax penalty and a handful of...
Internal Revenue Codemeans the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or any successor statute. Pollution preventionmeans any activity that through process changes, product reformulation or redesign, or substitution of less polluting raw materials, eliminates or reduces the release of air pollutants...
Define internal representation. internal representation synonyms, internal representation pronunciation, internal representation translation, English dictionary definition of internal representation. Noun 1. internal representation - a presentation to th
Internal Revenue Code means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or any successor statute. external wall means an outer wall of a building even though adjoining to a wall of another building and also means a wall abutting on an interior open space of a building; Internal control ...