H. R. 2337 One Hundred Fourth Congress of the United States of America AT T H E SECOND S E S S I O N Begun and held at the City of Washington on Wednesday, the third day of January, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six An Act To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to...
系统标签: revenue internal sec code taxpayer summonses H.R.2337 OneHundredFourthCongress ofthe UnitedStatesofAmerica ATTHESECONDSESSION BegunandheldattheCityofWashingtononWednesday, thethirddayofJanuary,onethousandninehundredandninety-six AnAct ToamendtheInternalRevenueCodeof1986toprovideforincreasedtaxpayer ...
2019;179(9):1211-1219. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2019.1739 PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 37. Furukawa MF, Kimmey L, Jones DJ, Machta RM, Guo J, Rich EC. Consolidation of providers into health systems increased substantially, 2016-18. Health Aff (Millwood)....