Internal population migration in China is one of the most dramatic in the world. To understand the geographic dynamics of the Chinese population migration, we present a revised method called the migration centerline based on the definition of the geographic mean center of the population. Using data...
This paper examines how individual characteristics and structural factors have changed in determining Jewish internal migration in the U.S. between 1985
Ch 3. Overview of Human-Environmental... Ch 4. Population & Migration Ch 5. Population & Demographic Changes Ch 6. The Components of Culture Ch 7. Cultural Identity Ch 8. Cultural Geography Ch 9. Politics, Nations & Geography Political Entity Definition, History & Types 6:06 Unitary & ...
By definition, being a migrant means that one has moved from one place to another. Mental health studies on migrants suggest that stressors caused by migration, including social exclusion and broken social connections, challenge migrants’ mental health in host cities (Li and Rose, 2017; Mao ...
Climate change-induced sea-level rise will lead to an increase in internal migration, whose intensity and spatial patterns will depend on the amount of sea-level rise; future socioeconomic development; and adaptation strategies pursued to reduce exposure
Cutler I People and settlement patterns: recent migration and trends. Chicago Metropolis of the Mid-continent. 3rd ed. Chicago, Ill Geographic Society of Chicago1982;134- 139Google Scholar 58. Manu PLane TJMatthews DA The pathophysiology of chronic fatigue syndrome: confirmations, contradictions, an...
Equation (5) calculates the DAP value of a node, which is the path where the net migration into node j is positive, indicating the degree to which it “deprives” other nodes of the population. The higher the value, the stronger its control over the hinterland. According to Zachary’s ...