The University of Rochester Associated Hospitals program in internal medicineRudolph J. NapodanoLawrence E. YoungNapodano RJ, Young LE. The University of Rochester Associated Hospitals program in internal medicine. Am J Med. 1982;72:945-950....
Highland Hospital, Rochester, NY Anthony L. Suchman MD Division of General Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Center, 2500 North State Street, Jackson, MI Claudia Beghe’ MD Additional information The Book Review editor avidly solicits advice from readers, especially regarding books to be ...
Rochester, NY University of Rochester Press2003;123- 134Google Scholar 5. Mead NBower P Patient-centredness: a conceptual framework and review of the empirical literature. Soc Sci Med 2000;511087- 1110PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 6. Candib L Doctors-in-relation. Candib L Medicine and the Fa...
JAMA Network is a consortium of peer-reviewed medical publications that includesJAMA®and the JAMA Network journals.JAMA Internal Medicinedoes not hold itself responsible for statements made by any contributor. All articles published, including opinion articles, represent the views of the authors and ...
Monroe Community Hospital, 435 East Henrietta Road, 14620-4658, Rochester, NY Paul R. Katz MD Additional information Received from the Department of Medicine, the University of Rochester Geriatric Unit, and the Monroe Community Hospital, Rochester, New York. Rights and permissions Reprints and permis...
aVirend K. Somers, M.D., Ph.D., is a consultant in the Division of Cardiovascular Diseases and the Division of Nephrology and Internal Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, at Mayo Clinic Rochester. He holds the academic rank of professor of medicine. Virend K。 Somers, M.D., Ph....
The University of Rochester Associated Hospitals Program in Internal Medicine: seven years experience with an innovative city-wide residency for preparation of general internists. Am J Med 1982;72:945–50Napodano RJ, Young LE. The University of Rochester Associated Hospitals program in internal ...
24 Administration; 6Primary Care Internal Medicine; 7Center for Innovation, Mayo Clinic, 200 1st 25 Street SW, Rochester, MN, USA 5590555 Quantitative methods will include patient surveys and medical record abstraction. The primary 56 quantitative outcome is patient-reported satisfaction. Other ...
Serum creatinine values were determined by coupled enzymatic reaction using an analyzer (Vitros 950 analyzer, Johnson & Johnson, Rochester, NY). Third-generation thyrotropin was determined by 2-site chemiluminometric sandwich immunoassay by automated chemiluminescent system (ACS 180, Chiron Ciba-Corning,...
Methods Study Design, Setting, and Participants We conducted a multisite, single-institution pilot randomized clinical trial with a planned enrollment of 80 physicians who worked in the departments of medicine, family medicine, and pediatrics at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota; Jacksonville, Florida...