The internal jugular vein: the surface markings of the vein are the groove between the tendinous sternal head of the sternocleidomastoid and its fleshly clavicular head immediately above the clavicle. View article Review article Anatomy - Supplement 7 Surgery (Oxford) Journal2014, Surgery (Oxford) ...
The internal jugular vein is a preferred initial access site for a central venous catheter. Ultrasound (US) guidance is typically used for assessing cervical anatomy, patency of the vessel, the presence of a thrombus in the lumen, and the internal jugular veins relationship to the common carotid...
The internal jugular vein receives eight tributaries along its course. Its function is to drain the venous blood from the majority of the skull, brain, and superficial structures of the head and neck. This article will discuss the anatomy and function of the internal jugular vein.Key...
internal auditory vein internal carotid artery internal cerebral vein internal combustion internal control internal defense and development internal drive internal ear internal energy Internal gear internal iliac artery internal iliac vein internal information internal jugular vein internal market internal maxillary...
surface of internal jugular vein were surveyed,the relationship of internal jugular vein and carotid or stemocleidomastoid was compared.The bases for different ways of puncture were provided.215 patients undergoing elective catheterization of the internal jugular vein were randomly allocated into 2 ...
The upper limb bears the jugular tubercle on its intracranial surface, while the inferior surface of the lower limb forms the posterior two-thirds of the occipital condyle. At first, the rounded ends of the two limbs articulate with reciprocal surfaces of the dual facet on the posterolateral ...
Related to Internal mammary artery:Internal mammary vein,internal mammary artery bypass ar·ter·y (är′tə-rē)·ter·ies 1.AnatomyAny of the muscular elastic tubes that form a branching system and that carry blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and organs of the...
A foramen for the vagus nerve, and potentially the posterior cerebral vein [29], opens on the posterolateral surface of the otic region. The jugular vein extended through a depression beginning immediately ventral to the exit of the vagus. The glossopharyngeal nerve (‘IX’) exited ventral to...
or ‘See’) travels superiorly through the carotid triangle of the neck enveloped in the carotid sheath, together with the common carotid artery (CC), internal jugular vein (IV), vagus nerve (CN 10), deep cervical lymph nodes, and sympathetic nerve fibers. As it travels superiorly, the ...
,epiotic-like ossification;fb,fossa bridgei;hmf,hyomandibular facet;hpc,hypophyseal chamber;iof,interorbital fenestra;ios,interorbital septum;jc,jugular canal;mcv,mid-cerebral vein;nao,narial opening;nocc,spinooccipital nerve;nocc/aocc,spinooccipital nerve or occipital artery;occ,occipital crest;otp...