This process transforms chemical energy into kinetic energy which is used to propel, move or power whatever the engine is attached to. 【参考译文】内燃机(Internal Combustion Engine,简称ICE或IC发动机)是一种热机,其中燃料与氧化剂(通常为空气)在燃烧室内燃烧,该燃烧室是工作流体流动回路不可分割的一部分...
Internal combustion engine, and a process for improving the combustionSCHNEIDER HEINRICHSCHNEIDER HEINRICH
监测内燃机过程状态的方法和系统 Monitoring the state of the internal combustion engine process method and system为了监测具有燃烧室(2c)的旋转机械,例如燃气涡轮机(2)的(不可测量的)过程状态,测量进入所述燃烧室(2c)的喷射物的组分. In order to monitor rotating machine having a combustion chamber (2c)...
Dash-dot line is onedimensional compressible s flow model for blowdown and incompressible displacement model for exhaust stroke.24 $ 2 phases of the exhaust process are evident. Simple quasi-steady models of these phases give good agreement with the data at lower engine speeds. The blowdo... ...
Two-strokeLenoirEngine Process1-2:Process2-3:Process3-4:Process4-5:Process5-1:FuelairmixtureintroducedintocylinderatatmosphericpressureAthalf-strokeinletvalveclosedandcombustioninitiatedconstantvolumeduetoheavypistonproducinghighpressureproductsProductsexpandproducingworkAttheendofthefirststrokeexhaustvalveopensandblow...
Review of internal combustion engine combustion chamber process studies at NASA Lewis Research Center The performance of internal combustion stratified-charge engines is highly dependent on the in-cylinder fuel-air mixing processes occurring in these engine... HJ Schock - AIAA, SAE, and ASME, Joint...
Process and system for controlling the operation of an internal combustion engine of an automotive vehicle The method involves determining a value of maximum admissible load of an engine based on speed and operating parameter of the engine from cartography to control operation of the engine. The ...
Focusing on combustion strategies that minimize the formation of emissions within the engine cylinder Gaining a better understanding of how fuel properties affect the combustion process Developing cost-effective after-treatment technologies that minimize engine exhaust and tailpipe emissions ...
Process for operating a flame starting unit for an internal combustion engine, especially a diesel engine with flame glow plug (1), which is located in an air intake channel of the internal combustion engine and which is supplied with fuel via a fuel line (5). The fuel supply of flame gl...
internal combustionengineTransportation. an engine in which the process of combustion takes place in a cylinder or cylinders within the engine; the working fluid is a fuel and air mixture, which reacts to formcombustion productsand is then exhausted; e.g., a gasoline ordiesel engine. ...