详细解释: 以下为句子列表: 英文: Neuronavigator-assisted study of Anatomy of Internal Auditory Canal and Facial Nerve Canal 中文: 神经导航下内听道及面神经管的解剖研究更详细... 英文: MRI Anatomy of Internal Auditory Canal and Membraneous Labyrinth in Normal Chinese Subjects ...
Laine T, Johnsson LG, Palva T. Surgical anatomy of the internal auditory canal. In: Tos M, Thomsen J, editors. Acoustic neuroma. Amsterdam: Kugler Publications; 1992. pp. 241–244.Laine T, Johnsson L-G, Palva T. Surgical anatomy of the internal auditory canal. In: Tos M, Thomsen J...
(Anatomy) the part of the ear that consists of the cochlea, vestibule, and semicircular canals. Also called:inner earorlabyrinth Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Objective To assess the value of dual source computed tomography (DSCT) in clinical practice for demonstrating anatomy of internal auditory canal (IAC). Methods A total of 402 healthy adults(804 ears) were included in this study. Thin-section CT scans of the temporal bone were obtained. The ...
网络释义 1. 内耳道 专业词汇在线翻译、医... ... 内听道 internal auditory artery内耳道internal auditory canal内耳道 internal auditory meatus ... www.juyy.net|基于8个网页 2. 内听道 医学论文,桥小脑角巨大肿瘤80例临床分析 ... Density 密度Internal auditory canal内听道Edema aroud tumor 瘤周水肿...
To provide a simple method ininternal auditory canal operation th-rough middle cranial fossa,the mor-phological structure and geometricrelation of foramen spinosum,haitusfor greater petrosal nerve,arcuateeminence and internal auditory meatuswere studied on 100 sides of adultskull specimens.Simulated operat...
1) Internal auditory canal 内听道1. Neuronavigation-guided opening of internal auditory canal (IAC) and microsurgical anatomy study of IAC in the retrosigmoid approach; 神经导航下经乙状窦后入路术中打开内听道及内听道的解剖研究2. Anatomic observation of the arachnoid membrane in the internal ...
【Keywords】Internalauditorycanal;Magneticresonanceimaging 内耳,又称迷路,位于颞骨岩部,由复杂构造的管腔组 成,结构微小,位置较深,包括骨迷路和膜迷路两部分。平片 和高分辨率颞骨薄层CT检查受到成像平面及软组织分辨 力的限制通常用于显示内耳的骨性结构,而对于非骨性结 构,如膜迷路、听神经、面神经等则很难显示。
internal auditory canalcerebellopontine angleTo optimally manage patients with endolymphatic hydrops, the surgeon must be intimately familiar with the regional anatomy of the temporal bone and adjacent intracranial contents. Moreover, because of its complex and irregular osteology, the temporal bone ...
We herein present a case of a 50-year-old woman with a right cerebellopontine angle meningioma (measuring 34mm x 35mm x 36mm), arising from the posterior surface of the petrous bone or the petrotentorial junction, secondarily involving the internal auditory canal. Contrast enhanced MRI ...