pressure breathing regulator 增压呼吸调节器 negative pressure breathing 负压呼吸 pressure breathing system 增压式呼吸设备 相似单词 IPPB 【医】 间歇性正压呼吸 breathing n. 1.呼吸 2.(空气、花香等的)飘动;微风 3.短暂休息 a. 1.呼吸着的;活的 2.栩栩如生的;逼真的 3.喘息的机会;短暂休息;停顿...
IPPBIPPB的意思 IPPB 英文缩写IPPB 英文全称Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing 中文解释间歇性正压呼吸 缩写分类医药卫生 缩写简介消防专业词汇学习应用类查询 新华字典 汉语词典 成语大全 诗词大全 英文缩写 英语单词 在线翻译 英文名 科技名词 五笔字根表 笔画数 偏旁部首 汉字拼音 区位码 郑码查询 仓颉编码 ...
IPPB 英文缩写IPPB 英文全称Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing 中文解释间歇性正压呼吸 缩写简介 消防专业词汇 IPPB意思,IPPB的意思,IPPB是什么意思?爱站小工具网缩写频道为您提供有关于IPPB的解释和缩写,间歇性正压呼吸的英文缩写是什么 热门英文缩写词...
Intermittent positive pressure breathing (IPPB) has been used as an adjunct to chest physiotherapy for many years. There have been many conflicting studies of IPPB on patients, but the studies of the physiological effects have demonstrated three clear benefits during treatment: an increase in ...
2) IPPB = intermittent positive pressure breathing 间歇性正压呼吸3) intermittent positive negative pressure breathing 间歇性正负压呼吸4) intermittent positive pressure breathing 间歇正压呼吸5) intermittent negative pressure breathing 间歇性负压呼吸...
IPPB, intermittent positive-pressure breathingSCI, spinal cord injuryVC, vital capacityWOB, work of breathingLaffont I, Bensmail D, Lortat-Jacob S, Falaize L, Hutin C, Le Bomin E, Ruquet M, Denys P, Lofaso F. Intermittent positive-pressure breathing effects in patients with high spinal ...
Stiller K. The effect of intermittent positive pressure breathing on lung volumes in acute quadriparesis. Paraplegia 1992;30(2):121-126.Stiller K, Simionato R, Rice K and Hall B (1992): The effect of intermittent positive pressure breathing on lung volumes in acute quadriparesis. Paraplegia ...
3) IPPB = intermittent positive pressure breathing 间歇性正压呼吸 4) intermittent hypobaric hypoxia 间歇性低压低氧 1. Recently, more people pay close attention to mechanism ofintermittent hypobaric hypoxiaof cardiac protective, but the underlying mechanism is not clear yet. ...
2) intermittent negative pressure breathing 间歇性负压呼吸 3) IPPB = intermittent positive pressure breathing 间歇性正压呼吸 4) intermittent apnea 间歇性呼吸暂停 5) intermittent positive pressure breathing/inspiratory 间歇性正压呼吸/吸气 6) intermittent positive negative pressure breathing ...
One of these methods is intermittent positive pressure breathing(IPPB) which has been widely advocated, but there are many debates now. We studied the relationship of post-operative pulmonary complications with patient's age, general condition and operation site & duration of IPPB. The results ...