We have developed morphological analysis software for studying galaxies from low to high redshifts. This code is designed to extract quantitative information about the morphology of the different components of galaxies (bulges and disks) imaged with both HST and ground-based observations. We present...
However, as SEBS-g-MA (no curing reaction) is used as the resin [49], these A-ACFs may encounter serious problems when used for bonding between indium tin oxide (ITO) and flexible printable circuit (FPC), or between ITO and Chips, where a kind of curable resin is needed for achieving...
Morphological comparisons of Scaphanocephalus expansus confirmed the identity of the adult specimens, with minor morphological variations; Scanning electron photomicrographs were included, and the species was re-described. Phylogenetic analysis based on 28S rDNA sequences showed that Scaphanocephalus is ...
Morphological and thermal stability analysis. Powder X-ray diffraction data were collected over the 2y range 2° À 40° on a CPS120 Inel diffractometer equipped with Ni-filtered Cu Ka radiation (40 kV, 100 mA) at room temperature with a scan speed of 2° min À 1. High-resolution ...
Because of technical problems ratings of one subject were missing. Task duration was 16:49 min. Stimuli were presented by MR-compatible LCD goggles or back projection systems and standard headphones using Presentation 11 (Neurobehavioral Systems, http://www. neurobs.com). Ratings were analyzed ...
We have developed morphological analysis software for studying galaxies from low to high redshifts. This code is designed to extract quantitative information about the morphology of the different components of galaxies (bulges and disks) imaged with both HST and ground-based observations. We present...
Morphological analysisVimentinAtomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to study the morphology of vimentin intermediate filaments (IFs) and their assembly intermediates. At each time after initiation of IF assembly in vitro of recombinant mouse vimentin, the sample was fixed with 0.1% glutaraldehyde and...
Oishi. Morphological analysis of glutaraldehyde-fixed vimentin intermediate fila- ments and assembly-intermediates by atomic force microscopy. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1702(1):53-65, 2004.Ando S, Nakao K, Gohara R, Takasaki Y, Suehiro K, et al. (2004) Morphological analysis of ...
A Quantitative Analysis of Star-Forming Galaxies at Intermediate Redshifts: Number Counts, Morphological Sequences, and Evolutionary Timescales.How did local galaxies obtain their Hubble morphologies and to what effect did star formation drive the transformations of past galaxies into these Hubble types?
An increase in inflammatory factors, changes in morphological parameters, the role of lymphocytes in the course of COVID-19 infection, the phenomenon of lymphopenia and the reduction in the number of eosinophils or dendritic cells are well confirmed [7,8,9]. ...