Raised fasting blood glucose was seen in 39 % of participants'. Waist circumference and body mass index showed statistically signicant associations with all clinical risk markers except for diastolic blood pressure. Our ndings suggest that the use of ethno specic strategies in the management of ...
Except for the periods of pretest overnight fasting and the immediate postoperative period, animals had free access to water and chow. Hyperinsulinemic clamp studies were repeated to confirm the amelioration of insulin resistance. Overnight-fasted rats were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (3% ...
Patients were studied in the fasting state and vasoactive medications were withheld for 12 hours prior to the scans. Longitudinal brachial artery diameter was obtained at rest, and then during FMD, induced by inflation of a pneumatic tourniquet placed around the forearm to a pressure of 50 ...
For phase I on this study, subjects were seen in a cross-sectional fashion and assessed and screened for endothelial functioning (RHI assessment using the Endo- PAT2000), a fasting metabolic laboratory panel was obtained, and DNA was gentoyped for the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) ...
Results:Twenty-eightwomenand36menwithameanageof26.8yearswereenrolled,ofwhom 26.7%hadnormalglucosetolerance(NGT),18.3%cysticfibrosis-relateddiabeteswithoutfasting hyperglycemia(CFRDw/oFPG),10%indeterminate(INDET),and45%impairedglucosetoler- ance(IGT).HOMA-IRvalueswerenotsignificantlydifferentbetweenthe...
GDS increased according to severity of ED, adjusted for age, marital status, education, smoking, alcohol, hypertension, regular exercise, total cholesterol level, fasting blood sugar, body mass index (P<0.001, by analysis of covariance). ED was strongly associated with depression symptoms after ...
According to the method, cut-off value of fasting blood glucose for detecting WHO 1985-diagnosed diabetes varied widely, from 5.3 to 6.3mmol/l and none was satisfactory because of poor sensitivity and positive predictive value. Conclusion The ADA criteria do not appear to be a good substitute ...
GDS increased according to severity of ED, adjusted for age, marital status, education, smoking, alcohol, hypertension, regular exercise, total cholesterol level, fasting blood sugar, body mass index (P<0.001, by analysis of covariance). ED was strongly associated with depression symptoms after ...
GDS increased according to severity of ED, adjusted for age, marital status, education, smoking, alcohol, hypertension, regular exercise, total cholesterol level, fasting blood sugar, body mass index (P<0.001, by analysis of covariance). ED was strongly associated with depression symptoms after ...
Diabetes was diagnosed if the participant had a fasting blood glucose value of ≥126 mg/dL (minimum fasting period: 8 h) or any blood glucose concentration of ≥200 mg/dL measured on site and/or a physician diagnosis of diabetes was reported. Prevalent coronary heart disease, self-reported...