La interleucina 6 en la fisiopatología de la artrirtis reumatoide[J] . José Luis Pablos álvarez.Reumatologia Clinica . 2009 (1)Pablo Alvarez, J. L. (2014). La interleucina 6 en la fisiopatologia de la artrirtis reumatoide. Reumatol Clin. 2014;05:34-9. - Vol. 05 Num.01....
Interleukin-6Doppler ultrasoundBlood flowPreeclampsiaTo determine interleukin-6 concentrations and analyse their relationship with doppler velocimetry in patients with preeclampsia and healthy normotensive pregnant women. A total of 160 patients were selected, of whom 47 were patients with severe preeclampsia ...
The human interleukin-1尾 gen (IL-1尾) polymorphisms such as -511, -31 and +3954 have been associated with the presence of gastric cancer, due to the inhibitor effect that...
Las concentraciones sericas de interleucina-6 y proteina C reactiva se incrementan a medida que la enfermedad de Chagas evoluciona hacia el deterioro de la funcion cardiaca. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2006;59:50-6.López L, Arai K, Giménez E, Jiménez M, Pascuzo C, Rodríguez-Bonfante C, ...