Bone support apparatus is provided comprising an elongate support member (11) arranged, in use, to be inserted in the interior of a bone (12). A fixing bracket (16) is provided at the distal end of the bone support (11) and inside the support (11) there is a projection member (13)...
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Design goes beyond the epidermis level of aesthetics and digs bone deep to the details of the life you want. ~ Elle C. Wolfe How do you want to experience home? Schedule a complimentary Call Portfolio Local and Online interior design projects Portfolio Local + Online Interior Design ...
The design of this theme is stunning and i'm very surprised how easy and flexible he is. Awesome Job ! One of the best theme i ever bought here.Hedley7d This is a beatifully crafted theme, easy to use and excellent customer support. It has monthly updates so everything works flawlessly...
El Greco的两幅例作更是如同像把雕塑植入画面一般,尽管细节并不十分清楚,但是骨性标志(bone landmark)和肌肉形状都十分清晰立体,没有一点点的“柔化”、“摸棱两可”。我们可以看到下面这副作品中甚至连婴儿都被塑造成了肌肉健美教练,整幅作品中的所有角色仿佛都在秀肌肉,近景的人物都展现了十分戏剧性的体态。我...
The exposed wood beams of this pitched ceiling pop off the white walls and the design is reminiscent of a fishbone or a leaf. There is a largebuilt-in white cabinet along the left wall used as the dresser or storage. Lots of room to lounge in this bedroom and enjoy the cozy atmosphere...
T Nishikawa,T Okamura,K Masuno,K Tominaga,A Tanaka 摘要: Purpose: Osteoblasts, osteogenic factors, and scaffold material are needed in bone regeneration. We examined the physical characteristics and internal structure of porous coral as a scaffold material. Methods: Dried blocks (diameter 4 mm, ...
a wall of windows and brick accent. A large kitchen with white oak cabinets, along with a beige island, is the center of the house, while the great room opens into a serene sunroom. On the main floor, you will also find a practical yet beautiful study with French doors, located just ...