欧卡2mod模组:全息卡车车内灯插件 v1.0|ETS2 Mods v1.48 | Hologram Truck Interior Light,steam创意工坊搜索【Hologram Truck Interior Light Addon - 白洋Mod于20231017发布在抖音,已经收获了43.1万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
This mod provides interior cabin-light glow in choice of blue, green, orange, purple, red, and white for SCS trucks and mod trucks listed below. Lights are available under “Driver’s Plate” and “Co-Driver’s Plate” in both (on w/Parking) and (Beacon switched) configurations; you ca...
This interior mod changes the interior of the standard Volvo FH16 2012 completely and adds more sharpness on details to achieve good looking 4K resolution experience as well as a whole new redesigned dashboard with new more neutral lightcolors. Do frequent backups of your save file to be prepar...
I have a problem when it comes to finalizing an interior designer work project. When I stay at the client's house/apartment to give them the renovation, the animation of the before and after photos does not appear. Also when I finish asking for the verdict from all the members, the game...
ETS 2 and ATS. About the Mexican group we are suspicious because whenever we can we are divulging the work of these guys, because in addition to the quality already proven the modbus is very functional and well worked, without further checking the MCI J4500 for ETS 2 and ATS in version ...
(--lia-bs-black-l), 0.08)","mainContent":"LIGHT","sideContent":"LIGHT","radiusSm":"6px","radius":"10px","radiusLg":"18px","radius50":"100vw","__typename":"BorderThemeSettings"},"boxShadow":{"xs":"0 0 0 1px hsla(var(--lia-bs-gray-900-h), var(--l...
On which server did this happen? When did this happen? (dd.mm.yy hh:mm) Summarize your bugRanger does not know how to enter the interior of the D1 base on Orbital in 128 conquest mode. If you go inside, he will climb around on the roof trying to get as close as po...
I can somewhat understand an issue if I was leaving it with only one square at either top or bottom, but I’m not. There’s 2-3 squares of space but apparently I’m unable to place the stairs?? @MalinKanji I was able to place the stairs with no problem pretty much everywhere there...