The compositions of Uranus and Neptune are found to be similar with somewhat different distributions of the high-Z material. The big difference between the two planets is that Neptune requires a non-solar envelope while Uranus is best matched with a solar composition envelope. Our analysis ...
Models of jovian planetary interiors have constrained the mass of each planet's core and the approximate composition of their envelopes. These results have provided important constraints on the processes by which these planets form. In turn, formation models place limits on the mass, composition, an...
Stanley’s focus soon sweeps out to explore the rest of the solar system. Though we can’t send probes to the centres of other planets, clues to their interior composition sometimes fall at our feet in the form of meteorites. These are remnants of the early solar system that tell us abou...
Water content and the internal evolution of terrestrial planets and icy bodies are closely linked. The distribution of water in planetary systems is controlled by the temperature structure in the protoplanetary disk and dynamics and migration of planetesimals and planetary embryos. This results in the ...
atmospheric compositiongravitational harmonics/ A9630P Uranus and satellitesA mission to Uranus will permit definitive measurements of fundamental parameters of Uranus' interior structure, such as radius, rotation, magnetic moment, atmospheric composition, and gravitational harmonics. We briefly discuss the ...
Fortney, J., Nettelmann, N.: The interior structure, composition, and evolution of giant plan- ets. Space Sci. Rev. 152(1-4), 423-447 (2010). doi:10.1007/s11214-009-9582-xFortney J. J. & Nettelmann N. The interior structure, composition, and evolution of giant planets . Space ...
New models with a composition gradient in the outer third of the planetary radius are found for both planets. Such composition gradients may play a significant role in controlling the internal heat flow. In agreement with previous models, we find that the pressure-density relation for the central...
Because of its exceptionally large mass and high surface gravity, it has retained a much higher fraction of the volatile gases hydrogen and helium than any other solar system body beside the Sun. To a rough first approximation, Jupiter is very similar in bulk composition to the Sun itself. ...
The investigation of planetary interiors is among the most important scientific objectives of interplanetary space missions. The internal structure and bulk composition of terrestrial planetary bodies provide important clues on the origin and early evolution of the solar system. Many large-scale planetary ...
If it were identical in composition to the Sun, Jupiter would contain (out of a total mass equal to 318 Earth masses) about 227 Earth masses of hydrogen, about 86 Earth masses of helium and about five Earth masses of all other elements. Careful modeling of the interior of Jupiter and ...