client-identifier mac interface-type interface-number:使用指定接口的MAC地址作为客户端ID来获取IP地址。interface-type interface-number表示接口类型和接口号。【描述】ip address dhcp-alloc命令用来配置接口使用DHCP方式获取IP地址。undo ip address dhcp-alloc命令用来取消接口使用DHCP方式获取IP地址。缺省...
就是进入vlan 1的接口配置模式。VLAN 1 默认是交换机管理中心,交换机所有端口都默认连接在VLAN 1 覆盖的广播域中。默认情况下,给VLAN 1 配置IP就是相当于给交换机配置管理地址。 也就是int VLAN1 进入交换机管理接口模式。以太网包括三种网络接口:1、RJ-45接口 这种接口应用最为普遍。因其适配线...
The following command configures a VLAN interface: (host) (config) #interface vlan 16 (host) (config-subif)#ip address The following command configures a DHCP server relay agent and filters DHCP discover broadcast packets on VLAN ID 16: ...
(1) 配置端口属于VLAN及对应VLAN接口的IP地址(略) (2) 配置DHCP服务 # 开启DHCP服务。 <SwitchA> system-view [SwitchA] dhcp enable # 配置VLAN接口10和VLAN接口20工作在DHCP服务器模式。 [SwitchA] interface vlan-interface 10 [SwitchA-Vlan-interface10] dhcp select server [SwitchA-Vlan-interface10] ...
IP地址: 子网掩码: 网关: 接下来我们用DHCP自动获取ip地址 1.DHCP的接口(interface)配置 interface Vlanif10 dhcp select interface dhcp server excluded-ip-address //排除这些ip地址 dhcp server lease day 8 hour 0 minute 0//租期为8天 ...
router(config)#int Vlan601 router(config-if)#no ip address router#show ip int br Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol GigabitEthernet0/1/0 unassigned YES unset up up Vlan601 unassigned YES manual up up I then set the IP address to DHCP. I have tried this as just "ip addr...
IP地址: 子网掩码: 网关: 接下来我们用DHCP自动获取ip地址 1.DHCP的接口(interface)配置 interface Vlanif10dhcp select interfacedhcp server excluded-ip-address //排除这些ip地址dhcp server lease day 8 hour 0 minute 0//租期为8天dhcp ...
I set up the DHCP server in the 3120 to recognize the MAC address of the Netvanta 1234 and assign it IP address I configured the VLAN 1 interface on the 1234 to used DHCP to get an IP address. I booted the 1234 and expected to be abl...
直接在全局开启DHCP,配置VLAN IP,将VLAN划分到端口即可,以下是参考命令:
执行本命令前需要在接口上执行ip address命令配置IP地址。接口地址池分配的IP地址和该接口上配置的IP地址在同一个网段。 注意事项 接口下同时配置DHCP中继和DHCP服务器功能时,仅DHCP服务器功能生效。 使用实例 # 开启接口VLANIF100采用接口地址池的DHCP Server功能。