interface tunnel命令功能 interface tunnel命令用来创建并进入Tunnel接口视图。 undo interface tunnel命令用来删除Tunnel接口。 缺省情况下,系统无Tunnel接口。 命令格式 interface tunnel interface-number undo interface tunnel interface-number 参数说明 参数 参数说明 取值 interface-number Tunnel接口的编号。 槽位...
VRP上使用display mpls te tunnel-interface Tunnel0命令查看隧道状态为down,以下可能的故障原因是()。 A. 该隧道路径上的所有路由器是否都启动了mpls te B. 该隧道路径上的所有路由器是否都启动mpls rsvp-te C. 该隧道路径上的所有路由器是否都启动了mpls te cspf D. 该隧道起点路由器上是否将流量引入到隧道...
一个Tunnel接口只能被一个VE接口绑定。 使用实例 #在Tunnel接口下绑定VE接口。 <HUAWEI>system-view[HUAWEI]interface tunnel 0/0/1[HUAWEI-Tunnel0/0/1]map interface virtual-ethernet 0/0/1 #在Tunnel接口下绑定VE接口并配置优先级。 <HUAWEI>system-view[HUAWEI]interface tunnel 0/0/1[HUAWEI-Tunnel0/0/...
这是交换机的当前端口状态啊,你这是show running-config 显示的?
根据网络拓扑和需求说明,解释路由器R2的GRE隧道配置。 …… R2(config)interface tunnel 0 (启用tunnel 0 ) R2(config-if)tunnel source sl/0 (9) R2(config-iotunnel destination (10) R2(config-if)ipv6 address 2000:2fcc::2/64 (为tunnel配置I..
(generation of the CFD mesh system, definition of the physical boundary conditions and inflow conditions, choice of the type of CFD solver, execution of calculation, monitoring of the convergence, visualization of temporary and final results of computation, and so on) and the remote wind tunnel ...
Richard, It is a Access router in our topology not the CORE/AGG. ASR920-01#sh interfaces tunnel0 Tunnel0 is up, line protocol is down Hardware is Tunnel Interface is unnumbered. Using address of Loopback0 ( MTU 17916 bytes, BW 100
IPSec Virtual Tunnel Interface Configuration GuideCisco IOS Easy VPN
It is interesting that there is no configuration for tunnel0. I believe this is because the tunnel is created and used by the xconnect commands on Gig0/0/3 and Gig0/0/8. Can you post the output of show interface for the 3 interfaces tunnel0, Gig0/0/3, and Gig...