Usage Note: The noun interface, meaning "a surface forming a common boundary, as between bodies or regions," has been around since the 1880s. But the word did not really take off until the 1960s, when it began to be used in the computer industry to designate the point of interaction ...
developers can generate code that allows these diverse components to communicate. This seamless communication is crucial in many domains, such as web services (using WSDL for SOAP or GraphQL forAPIs), object
Adding "I" or Interface to the name tarnishes it's domain meaning. If these semantic cues could be provided by the editing environment, we would not need them to be part of the name (unless we use another editor, too ... thus promoting exclusive use of the advanced tools). I think ...
The vocal expression of emotions is embedded within language and the study of intonation has to take into account two interacting levels of information--emotional and semantic meaning. In addition to the discussion of this dual coding system, an extension of Brunswik's lens model is proposed. Thi...
(TXD is an output line and RXD is an input line—the opposite is true for a DCE device). The meaning of the handshaking lines is software-dependent and they may not have to be used. If required, just three lines can be used to minimize cable costs: TXD, RXD, and signal ground. ...
Type: The 2-byte Type field identifies the upper layer protocol in the Data field. The receiver can interpret the meaning of the Data field according to the Type field. Multiple protocols can coexist on a LAN. The hexadecimal values in the Type field of an Ethernet II frame specify these ...
For optimal integration, the working group has chosen to model ATAG 2.0’s structure closely on WCAG 2.0, and it follows WCAG’s breakdown into three conformance levels, A, AA, AAA, with the same basic meaning of minimum/lowest, middle, highest. ATAG 2.0 is split into two parts, part ...
Our focus in this survey is on specification languages that can be used to record detailed design (i.e., coding) decisions about program modules. Wing [1987, 1990] and Lamport [1989] called such specifications interface specifications, since they document both the interface between 3For example...
work,that is to say, the social and human aspects of code linguistics. This work aims to identify whether project members have coding styles that “signal” to others that they are in-group rather than out-group, similar to the way in which speech patterns and behavior can indicate whether...
System usage or not (meaning the person in the role may or may not be a direct user) ▪ Internal or external to the organization, as long as the job entails participation in the work practice of the organization Sub-roles For some work roles, there are obvious sub-roles distinguished by...