Implementation of NavigableMap in TreeMap Class importjava.util.NavigableMap;importjava.util.TreeMap;classMain{publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){// Creating NavigableMap using TreeMapNavigableMap<String, Integer> numbers =newTreeMap<>();// Insert elements to mapnumbers.put("Two",2); numbers....
In Java, enum classes are final by default. Hence, we cannot inherit other classes from it. For example, enum A { // enum constants // fields and methods } class B extends A { public static void main(String[] args) { // statements } } # Error: cannot inherit from final A Inher...
In Java, the List interface is an ordered collection that allows us to store and access elements sequentially. It extends the Collection interface. Classes that Implement List Since List is an interface, we cannot create objects from it. In order to use the functionalities of the List interface...
In Java, we must import java.util.Set package in order to use Set. // Set implementation using HashSet Set<String> animals = new HashSet<>(); Here, we have created a Set called animals. We have used the HashSet class to implement the Set interface. Methods of Set The Set interface...
In Java, we must importjava.util.Queuepackage in order to useQueue. // LinkedList implementation of QueueQueue<String> animal1 =newLinkedList<>();// Array implementation of QueueQueue<String> animal2 =newArrayDeque<>();// Priority Queue implementation of QueueQueue<String> animal3 =newPriorityQ...
Implementation of SortedSet in TreeSet Class importjava.util.SortedSet;importjava.util.TreeSet;classMain{publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){// Creating SortedSet using the TreeSetSortedSet<Integer> numbers =newTreeSet<>();// Insert elements to the setnumbers.add(1); ...