在使用Cisco Packet Tracer 5.3进行链路聚合生成树协议(LACP)配置时,首先要进入特权执行模式,使用命令"enable"。接着,通过"configure terminal"进入全局配置模式。在这个模式下,可以配置交换机的各种参数。为了防止进行域名解析,使用"no ip domain-lookup"命令。接下来是配置端口范围,假设两台交换机...
In Packet Tracer, open the app preferences/settings. There's a set of tabs there. Click the tab "Hide". In that Window, you'll see lots of items with checkboxes. Some of those enable/disable display of the tabs in the device detail window that you're noting. I'm thinking that someh...
Exemples de BDI sur la plate-forme Cisco IOSXE A) Fa0/1 sur les deux commutateurs sont des interfaces de couche 3 et se trouvent dans le même domaine de diffusion. Étapes suivantes B) Reliez plusieurs VLAN entre les deux commutateurs. Étapes suivant...
Meet Cisco U. Certifications Communities Webinars & Videos Study Resources About/Help Store CCNA Certification Community Senor_Rabbs asked a question. Edited by Admin February 16, 2020 at 3:37 AM Packet Tracer issue trying to use sub interface to run DHCP I'm in the process of creating my ...
这是模拟器的问题,命令不完全。PT是比较初级的模拟器,只能show run然后自己翻来看。如果使用GNS3等模拟器命令就比较全。
PC1, it fails...I have tried step by step to send packets to check the connections and the only problem I detected is with Router 4, specifically interface Gig0/0. I tried to send packet from PC1 to Gig0/0, but i fails. Even in Real Time mode in Packet Tracer you can see ...
You need to purchase the full bundle of cisco packet tracer then you would be able to use it. Please check the below output: Switch(config)#int range fastEthernet 0/1-10Switch(config-if-range)# >>> I am able to go in here. HTH 0 Helpful Reply Martin Carr Level 4 11-20...