interestingly是什么意思、interestingly怎么读 读音:英[ˈɪntrəstɪŋli] 美[ˈɪntrəstɪŋliˌˈɪntrestɪŋli] interestingly 基本解释 adv. 有趣地 词组短语 1、interestinglydifferent from 有趣的是不同于 2、interestinglysynonym 有趣的同义词 ...
Interestingly, Sun Zi advocated understanding the weather first before understanding the terrain. 很妙的是孙子主张知天先于知地. 互联网 Interestingly, the term carbon may be used for both types of fibers. 这两种纤维都可以称作碳纤维. 互联网 ...
interestingly相关词 英汉例句 Interestingly enough, a few weeks later, Benjamin remarried. 有意思的是,几个星期以后,本杰明又结婚了。 Most interestingly, they are demanding that a national working party on crimes against women and children be established. ...
interestingly的意思是:令人感兴趣的是。 接下来为您详细解释该词的意思和用法: 一、基本词义 "interestingly"是一个副词,其基本词义为“令人感兴趣地”。在句子中,它通常用来描述某件事情或某个情况具有吸引力或者出乎意料,引起了人们的兴趣。 二、语境中的应用 1. 在对话或文章中,"interestingly"常用来引出某...
Men , interestingly , may be going the other direction . 有意思的是,男性可能正走向相反方向。 Interestingly , according to modern astronomers , space is finite . 有意思的是,现代天文学家们认为,空间是有限的。 Interestingly , men tended to report increased relationship satisfaction only whennoneof ...
interestingly 常考释义 adv. 有趣地 雅思常考例句 Interestingly, though, a company with a more democratic business model, can suffer more, when uncertainty about who to report to leads to conflicting demands. 有趣的是,即便是一个更加民主的公司模式也可能会遭受更多冲突,比如说对于应该向谁汇报工作充满...
interestingly 有趣地 美['intristiŋli] 考点解读 托福 雅思 Official词频:14 interestingly 常考释义 adv. 有趣地 托福常考例句 Interestingly, there are clams and snail shells; but, no fossils of fish. 有趣的是,还有蛤蜊和蜗牛壳,但是没有鱼的化石。
interestingly adv.有趣地 释义常用度 有趣地英英释义 Adverb: in an interesting manner; "when he ceases to be just interestingly neurotic and...gets locked up"近义词 反义词 临近词 remarkably显著突出地 fascinatingly迷人地 enigmatically迷地(莫明其妙地... attractively有吸引力地 entertainingly有趣地 ...