that captures the latent joint topic space of the documents in the transition. We train and test our models on millions of realworld transitions between Wikipedia documents as observed from web browser session logs. On the task of predicting which spans are of most interest to users, we show ...
Such nuggets attract a user’s attention and lead them to explore more information around that nugget. In order to measure and model interestingness, we look at browsing sessions within Wikipedia and we build a data set of transitions (clickthrough) from a source Wikipedi...
5 things to do after setting up a Kubrenetes Cluster Infrastructure as Code, Part Two: A Closer Look at Terraform - CrateDB hjacobs/kube-ops-view: Kubernetes Operational View - read-only system dashboard for multiple K8s clusters November 25, 2018 Running Gitea on Kubernetes – Joseph D. ...
On the task of predicting which spans are of most interest to users, we show significant improvement over various baselines and highlight the value of our latent semantic model.Michael GamonArjun Mukherjeeand Patrick PantelMichael Gamon, Arjun Mukherjee, P. P. 2014. Predicting Interesting Things ...
Guest Post: In the Footsteps of Royalty: Exploring the Plantagenets on Our First Historic Adventure by Maxine Sommer 06/11/2024Sharon Bennett ConnollyLeave a comment Today, it is a pleasure to welcome my friend Maxine Sommer back toHistory…the Interesting Bits. This summer, Maxine led a tour...
This theory ties into the uncanny valley hypothesis, where things that are eerily similar to human beings but not quite perfect can cause discomfort or unease. The too-real virtual hands might have fallen into this unsettling category, while the clearly non-human tweezers did not. ...
Now, when Alison first got sick, one of the first things I did was to toss/donate alla our Teflon cookware and replace it was “safer” ceramic cookware.It’s dented on one side, but no metal utensil has ever touched it so it’s remarkably slick/non-stick. I’m loathe to toss it...
Wizarding World is a website designed for all Harry Potter fans. It takes you on a Hogwarts journey. When you log into the site, it allows you to check your first Hogwarts house. Once you get sorted into your house, you can explore magical things in the world of Harry Potter. With th...
The cold plunge, or good things don’t have to last long to provide longer term benefits Posted on February 19, 2025 | 2 comments Lately I’ve been going out on my porch or on my girlfriend’s balcony to do a dry “cold plunge”: stepping out into the winter air for a brief pe...
s ever been, and it’s time to wind things down. You’ll continue to find my non-fiction here and there, I’ll still be regularly updatingmy fiction blog, and if you want the latest info,look me up on Twitter. In particular, check out the#272sci hashtagfor tiny bits of bite-...