which is a symbol of long life. Ducks are also important symbols and represent happiness and marital faithfulness. One of these things is not like the others!
根据第一段第一句“One of the interesting things about China is that they love lists. (有趣的是,中国人喜欢排行榜。)”,最后一句“ It should come as no surprise that there is such a thing as the Four Great Inventions.(“四大发明”的存在不足为奇。)”,结合全文可知第一段的作用是引出下文。
It is a meat-eating plant.The British Museum, London, UK The British Museum has a collection of things from different parts of the world: China, Greece,Egypt, Mexico, Italy, etc.The Rosett a Stone is a must-see object in the museum. It's a big, flat stone 18.with ancient19. ...
but also an important time for families to get reunited. During the new year, all the family members could gather together to share happiness, and do some lucky things to get good fortune for the new year.
I suppose the biggest reason why this palace is quite interesting to me is that it has lots of things to learn from, you know the countless relics that contain history unknown to me, not to mention the stunning architecture that I always wanted to appreciate more when I was there. ...
Culture in China is extremely interesting and intriguing. It differs immensely from the customs followed in the western part of the globe. From little details such as eating manners to more significant things like family life,...
5.B 题。 根据第一段第一 "One of the interesting things about China is that they love lists. "和最后一句"It should come as no surprise that there is such a thing as the Four Great Inventions.(四大发明的存在不足为奇)” ,并结合全文可知, 第一段的作用是引出下文。 故选B项。 6.A 测...
没头脑和不高兴三毛流浪记大头儿子张乐平著和小头爸爸This is an interesting book about In this book, you will meet a poor two good friends. One boy always boy, Sanmao. He doesn't know his can't find his school things. The parents, and he has no home. He's other boy is always not ...
There is a lot of things in the holiday, but only one interesting thing makes me never forget. Once, I went to the cherry garden with my father.In the cherry garden, I saw a ripe cherry like a small lantern hanging on the tree. ...
One of the interesting things about China is that they love lists. There are sorts of things through Chinese history that are in list form, such as the Four Great Beauties the Seven Warring States, and the Three Kingdoms. It should come as no surprise that there is such a thing as the...