to why some people find it harder than others to find motivation. And thanks to the TED Talk program, the leading researchers behind some of these cool studies have been able to share their ideas with the world in a format that's easy to digest. ...
只要是个名人,就十有八九被邀请去过什么毕业典礼啦,TED talk啦,或者什么talk show之类的,而且基本上都会端出来点儿心灵鸡汤,介绍一下自己的生平顺便吹个牛什么的,反正你成功了你说啥都对。 所以关于interesting speech这个雅思口语题目,千万别绞尽脑汁回忆自己看过哪些人的speech,就随便让他们参加个节目,然后结合...
which might be useful. One of them is TED, a website where various people share their experience, research, and knowledge. Its motto is “ideas worth spreading
I don't like autumn and winter.我不喜欢秋季和冬季。The days are short and the nights are long.此时白天短而夜晚长。The sun rises late and sets early.太阳升得迟而落得早。Our climate is not very good, but it's certainly interesting.虽然我们国家的气候并不很好,但又确实很有意思。It's our...
Perhaps the PR industry might take a lesson from Ted Turner of CNN (Cable News Network). Turner recently announced that the word “foreign” would no longer be used on CNN news broadcasts. According to Turner, global communications have made the nations of the world so interdependent that ...
Has social media benefitted or harmed people’s social lives? Is technology going to save the world ... or kill it? Is technology making people dumber ... or smarter? Is technology the opposite of nature? (Are technology and nature diametrically opposed?) ...
While Henry does die, nobody ever sees his body and if I remember correctly, there isn't a funeral for him. He isn't even cremated. While he might have been seen dying in the film, we never see him really die. Jigsawalso has an inoperable brain tumour and is a civil engineer...
Alejandro Aravena(TED Talk:My architectural process? Bring the community into the process), the director of this year’s Biennale and the winner of the 2016 Pritzker prize, has pioneered the idea of “incremental housing” — residential units that are half-finished by contractors, making them ...
, when I felt I had said enough, I brought it to a natural conclusion, with a final sentence that tied everything together. My answer also loosely followed the structure suggested on the cue card, though I did shift a few things about for the sake of a better logical flow of ideas....
This Sunday, 4 Feb,Rising Clubputs you up on stage to give a five-minute presentation (much like a TED talk – but all about you). Thistopicsubscribes to the theory that "Interesting people are attractive." YOU WILL FIND CONVERSATIONS TO BE FAR MORE ENGAGING AND INTERESTING THAN YOUR TYP...