Tritium emits beta particles (electrons), transforming to stable helium-3 (2 protons + 1 neutron) in the process.Radium, now, is an alpha emitter, transforming to the very-short-lived (~3 days) alpha emitter radon, on its way to eventual stability as an isotope of lead or bismuth.The ...
Onboard the space-station-like Cycler, the travelers would spend the five-month trip to Mars in relative comfort, protected from most of the gamma-rays, high-energy protons, and cosmic rays which pepper the vehicle’s exterior. The hull’s gentle spin would also produce some centrifugal gravi...
The speed of sound is about 330 meters per second, which means that the speed of the blast was about twice as fast as the speed of sound.” The sky became reddish over Hiroshima, and saturated with smoke and dust. All who were alive and mobile quickly began to try to help the injured...
Natural uranium comes in two flavours or isotopes, both of which are uranium because they have 92 protons, but different numbers of neutrons. The neutrons in the atomic structure help keep the element stable or make it unstable. So one isotope U238 (238 being the total number of protons + ...