Latitude:Between 17°49' and 22°34' North Longitude:Between 81°27' and 87°29' East Population:3.67 crores (as per 2001 census) Literacy:64.0% (as per 2001 census) Landmass:4.7% of India's landmass Forest Land:58,13,547 sq km ...
The land in Ireland was not suitable for grain agriculture (except a small part of the South-East) until the introduction of modern machiery and fertilizers in the 20th century. This is the main reason why the potato became the staple food from the early 17th century onwards. Before that, ...
If you found this interesting, you might also enjoy reading aboutChina tourism statistics, a few interestingfacts about China’s energy and pollution, and plenty ofother fascinating China facts. Religion & Beliefs in China | Key Facts and Figures to Know Facts about China: INFRASTRUCTURE...
The 1997 Census of Government says it best... "There were 87,504 governmental units in the United States as of June 1997. In addition to the Federal Government and the 50 state governments, there were 87,453 units of local government. Of these, 39,044 are general-purpose local governmen...
“all kids must go to college” push that started in the 1980’s. That was based on economic data from the previous couple of decades, which showed that college grads wound up much richer than non-grads. But in those decades, only kids who were really smart and driven went to college,...
"India at a glance" contains information on facts and figures on India. Travel to India:India Travel Tips: India Facts Recommend This Site "If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the ...