Welsh, a Brythonic Celtic language, is ancestral tongue of Welsh people. Nowadays 750,000 people claiming a self-reported competence in Welsh (21.7% of the population of Wales). TheNational Eisteddfod of Wales, a festival of literature, music and performance held in the Welsh language, is the...
Wales contains some of the UK's most beautiful scenery. It's also a country that has had a turbulent past. Find out some interesting facts about the "land of song".
So, now that we have all the housekeeping out of the way, let’s take a look at some of the more fun facts about England. 1. There is A Difference Between the UK and Great Britain The terms “UK” and “Great Britain” are often used interchangeably, but they actually refer to ...
UK Facts | Language in the UK The main language spoken in the UK is British English. Scots, Welsh and Irish are also spoken. There are also four Celtic languages spoken: Scottish Gaelic, Irish Gaelic, Welch and Cornish. In Wales, Welsh names are given on road signs together with English ...
20 Fun Facts About Iceland1. Viking TiesIceland was settled by Vikings from Norway sometime in the 800s. This fact makes Iceland a fairly “young” country when it comes to settlement, and also contributes to its distinct cultural background. The Icelandic horses in the country today are ...
In Chester you can only shoot a Welshman with a bow and arrow within the city walls after midnight. However, in Hereford it is illegal to shoot a Welshman with a longbow on a Sunday in the Cathedral Close. It’s still legal to shoot a Scotsman in York with a bow and arrow at any...
I even made the national papers in the UK! I was interviewed for an article on the new Amazon Prime tv show, My Lady Jane for The Mirror, separating the facts from the fiction. You can stillread the article here. Book News I don’t think I would ever choose to put 2 books out wi...
G.K. Holloway brilliantly captures the confusion among the English as the implications of their defeat at Hastings dawns upon them. He expertly captures the hope, despair and confusion that must have been rife among the conquered English. He does not shy away from the hard facts and more unp...
Below are some of the interesting facts you may want to know about Rh negative blood type. READ MORE Rh Negative Blood Type 1. The Rh negative blood type is not a ‘mutation’. Rhesus factor, referred to as the Rh factor, is a protein in the human blood. The term is derived due...
Married and bisexual, he was one of the first prominent men in Britain known to have contracted HIV and died of AIDS, although he hid the facts of his illness. Bruce Chatwin and his notebooks: Interview to the wife Elizabeth. BRUCE LEE - (1940-1973). Chinese American, martial artist, ...