In 2018, The Fact Site celebrated its 10th birthday by publishing this list of 1,000 interesting facts. That’s right, you didn’t misread; here we have one thousand random and interesting facts about literally everything you could think of! Here at The Fact Site, we’re celebrating our ...
The living world is home to fascinating animals and plants. Discover different Biology facts and information that you probably didn't know before.
The site states that milk provides two to four percent of dietary energy supply in Africa and Asia. Milk is considered a whole food because it provides 18 out of 22 essential nutrients, according toHealthline. It contains phosphorus, protein, potassium, vitamins B-12, vitamin A, and vitamin ...
Did you know that one serving of green peas contains as much Vitamin C as two large apples? Share: “I eat my peas with honey, I have done all my life, It makes the peas taste funny, But it sticks them to the knife!” Find out more facts about the pea now. The Latin name ...
Delve deep into neonatal health figures. Here are some worthwhile facts about newborn babies and their transition into the real world. Their hair might fall out:Was your baby born with luscious locks? If so, don’t get too attached because it’s normal for a lot of this hair to fall ou...
According to a study published in Heliyon, summer-born babies are more likely to grow up to be healthy adults. Researchers theorize that greater exposure to sunlight and higher vitamin D exposure leads to better overall well-being. 2. Summer people are expressive and quick-witted, but can ...
Ready to learn some fun and interesting facts about Peru? Whether you’re planning a trip to Peru or you’re just enjoying some armchair traveling, prepare to be awed by these amazing Peru facts. Peru is a country steeped in history, rich in culture, and endowed with an incredibly diverse...
Maybe it is because the woman is the one who is responsible for carrying a new child within her body for the first months of its life. The reality is though, half of the genetic code of a child is carried within a man’s sperm. There are many interesting facts about sperm that can ...
These are just some of the vitamins out there that are required for a healthy pregnancy (and for health in general). The best thing to do is to make sure you have a varied, healthy diet and take a prenatal vitamin that contains DHA. Did any of these facts surprise you? What other ...
pumpkin- a round orange fruit that is usually harvested in theautumn. gourd- a family of plants that includes melons, squashes, and cucumbers. crop- plants grown and harvested for food. vitamin- a substance present in food that is good for your health. ...