15 Little Known Facts about Martin Luther King 15 Interesting Facts about Ronald Reagan 15 Interesting Facts about Nelson Mandela 15 Interesting Facts About Shakespeare 15 Interesting Facts about Marie Curie 15 Interesting Facts About Julius Caesar 15 Interesting Facts about Leonardo Da Vinci 15 Interest...
Gadolinium has superconductive properties. Gadolinium is magnetocaloric, which means its temperature increases when it is placed in a magnetic field and decreases when it is removed from the field. Lecoq de Boisbaudran separated gadolinium from its oxide in 1886. He named the element for Finnish C...
Does conscience really get misplaced (because I really do believe that most people are brought up to have one), or is it the requisite knowledge to understand certain facts (i.e. enough biology to grasp radiation poisoning) that needs work in preventing so many mass corporate indignations perp...
Unfettered by facts, the US Federal Trade Commission stated that leaded gas was “entirely safe to the health of motorists and the public […] is not a narcotic in its effect, a poisonous dope, or dangerous to the life or health of a customer, purchaser, user or the general public.” ...