It's easy to enumerate more than 10 interesting facts about Saturn, the sixth planet in the solar system. The outermost planet visible without a telescope, it was named "Lubadsagush" – the oldest of the old – by the Assyrians, partly because of its slow movement against the backdrop o...
When Galileo first turned his rudimentary telescope on Saturn in 1610, he could see Saturn and its rings, but he didn’t know what he was looking at. He though that the rings might actually be two large moons stuck to either side of Saturn – ears maybe? It wasn’t until 1655 that t...
Facts about Saturn Saturn is the most distant planet that can be seen with the naked eye. It is the fifth brightest object in thesolar systemand is also easily studied through binoculars or a small telescope. Saturn was known to the ancients, including the Babylonians and Far Eastern observer...
Like Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter, Neptune is a gas giant. It is, actually, the smallest gas giant in the Solar System. Neptune is the name of God of the Sea in the Roman Mythology.You can share your own interesting facts! SUBMIT FACTS! LATEST FACTS ADVERTISE The...
Unfortunately, it is rather difficult to observe compared to Saturn’s bright, bold ring; which is why it is not so well-recognized. In total, Neptune has five rings, all of which are named after astronomers who made important discoveries about Neptune – Galle, Le Verrier, Lassell, Arago...
In 2018, The Fact Site celebrated its 10th birthday by publishing this list of 1,000 interesting facts. That’s right, you didn’t misread; here we have one thousand random and interesting facts about literally everything you could think of!
Facts about the Sun The Sun is all the colours mixed together, this appears white to our eyes. The Sun is composed of hydrogen (70%) and Helium (28%). The Sun is a main-sequence G2V star (or Yellow Dwarf). The Sun is 109 times wider than the Earth and 330,000 times as massiv...
–Titan’s shape changes Repeated fly-bys of Titan by the Cassini probe has shown that Titans’ surface rises and falls by as much as 10 meters during a single orbit, which is enough to measurably change the moon’s shape as it orbits Saturn. These findings suggest that Titan’s relativel...
Hayden Christensen is an American-Canadian actor and producer, famous for his role as Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader in “Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones” and “Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.” Here are 50 interesting facts about the actor ...
15. Rainbow on Saturn’s Moon! It is no myth. The moist atmosphere of Titan, Saturn’s moon is ideal for the formation of rainbow. Also, the angle of dispersion of Titan is 49 degree. So, it is believed that rainbow occurs on the surface of Titan. Feeling blue? Let’s visit Titan...