Standing slightly taller than a mailbox along the side of a road, the shortest rhino is the Sumatran rhino, which stands at 4’3” (1.3 meters). The heaviest rhino is the Indian/greater-one-horned rhino. Weighing in at an incredible 5,000 -7,100 lbs (2,500 – 3,200 kg). The rh...
Let’s take a look at our top ten interesting things about rhinos. 1. Rhino means nose in Greek. Rhinoceros is derived from the Greek word rhinoceros, which translates to “nose horned.” We all know rhinos have a signature unicorn-like horn on the bridge of their nose. Hence, the name...
Here are some more details about the rhino with a specific focus on why they have become endangered, where they live, their importance, how the world can help protect Rhinos from going extinct, and someinteresting factsabout Rhinos. Few Interesting Facts About the Rhinos Fact 1. Rhinos can ru...
Interesting Facts about Gorilla Habitat 15) Wild gorillas are only found in a few countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Western Gorillas live on the western side of the Congo River, while Eastern Gorillas inhabit the volcanic mountains on the eastern side. 16) Gorillas are ground-dwelling animals tha...
Out of the entire population of tigers in the wild, just about 3% are left behind (which is miserable) and 97% are completely wiped out in a period of just 100 years. Isn’t it one of the rarely told facts about tigers for kids?
All the facts about me are boring. Jeruba (56110)“Great Answer” (1) Flag as…I don’t know how to drive a car.Berserker (33548)“Great Answer” (2) Flag as…I am actually communicating with you “from the other side”!ZEPHYRA (21750)“Great Answer” (0) Flag as…...
31-35 Interesting Facts About Africa 31. Almost three-quarters of all of Kenya’s athletics come from one tribe, the Kalenjins. –Source 32. There is a four-man anti-poaching team permanently guarding a Northern White Rhino in Kenya –Source ...
Illegal animal hunters kill them to get its horn for medicine. If you strongly care about rhino and its life, hunt down all illegal hunters until there is no more. Hunt them down like a Rambo or Special Air Force Soldier. Bang! Bang! Bang! Without mercy!
You can find out more about the penguins on this page:Penguin Facts Back to animal list Galápagos Sea Lion Scientific name:Zalophus wollebaeki Type of animal: Mammal Where found: Galápagos Islands The Galápagos sea lion lives on the coast of the Galápagos islands. It is the smallest sea ...
You can find out more about the South American coati on this page:South American Coati Facts Return to Index Electric Eel Electric eel. Click photo for more information on this animal. Scientific name:Electrophorus electricus Conservation status:Least Concern ...