The living world is home to fascinating animals and plants. Discover different Biology facts and information that you probably didn't know before.
Ribosomes are mainly composed of RNA and protein components. Discover more interesting facts, types, structure and functions of ribosomes, at BYJU’S
These are the basics, but there are many more surprising facts as well; for example, blood accounts for about 8 percent of your body weight and it contains trace amounts of gold. Intrigued yet? Read on below for 12 more fascinating facts. 01 of 12 Not All Blood Is Red Jonathan Knowles...
I remember learning this decades ago, and here I still find the facts about blood vessels fascinating. "The body has roughly around 62,000 miles of blood vessels" - This is absolutely amazing. Thanks for refreshing my memory, Vellur :) Nithya Venkat (author) from Dubai on October 27, 201...
Interesting Facts about B- blood type 1. It is one of the rarest blood types in the world. A cool B- Blood fact is that it is estimated that only 2% of the world population has this blood type. This means that approximately one in sixty-seven donors has a B – blood type. As we...
MMS and CD chemistry – the facts(2016) This is my simple explainer about MMS (‘miracle’ or ‘master’ mineral solution) and CD (chlorine dioxide). This horrible, nasty fad seems to have faded away in recent years – partly thanks to the fact that even its founder, Jim Humble, admitt...
we came up with glossary of science words that start with 'A' in this post. These interesting words collected from Chemistry, Biology, Zoology, Astronomy, etc. Angela April 2, 2021 Science FactsAs it is tough to learn about all the scientific terms, we have classified learning science word...
His work was instrumental in advancing the understanding of proteins, and his discoveries are still relevant today.Also→ Linus Pauling: A Pioneer in Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Biology10. Emil Fischer's Legacy Lives On In 1919, the German Chemical Society instituted the Emil Fischer Memorial ...