During his eight month recovery at the clinic, he sketched himself receiving nonconvulsive electrotherapy from Jacobsen and his assistant, Miss Schacke. Above the sketch Munch wrote: “Professor Jacobsen is electrifying the famous painter Munch, and is bringing a positive masculine force and a negativ...
Married and bisexual, he was one of the first prominent men in Britain known to have contracted HIV and died of AIDS, although he hid the facts of his illness. Bruce Chatwin and his notebooks: Interview to the wife Elizabeth. BRUCE LEE - (1940-1973). Chinese American, martial artist, ...
More facts on Scottish knights British Army personnel of World War I Scottish inventors Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine Knights Bachelor Advertisement More interesting reads about...
Ten fun facts about Wilhelm Wundt1. The Father of Modern Psychology On August 16, 1832, Wilhelm Wundt was born in Neckarau, Baden, a small town in the south-west of Germany. Wundt is widely regarded as the founder of modern psychology, and his work in the late 19th century laid the ...