The kiwi fruit earns New Zealand over a billion dollars a year. The fruit originated in China where it was called the monkey peach because they were considered ripe when the monkeys ate them. They were renamed first the Chinese gooseberry and then kiwi fruit in New Zealand, and New Zealand ...
The True Origin of Kiwifruit Although its name strongly suggests a New Zealand origin, the kiwifruit is in fact, native to China’s Yangtze Valley. Until midway through the 20th century, the fruit was known as Chinese gooseberry. Once a commercial industry was developed in New Zealand, fruit ...
Bananasare the number one fruit crop in the world. They are the 4th largest overall crop, after wheat, rice, and corn. India grows more bananas than any other country. The Philippines, China, and Ecuador are the next three top producers of bananas.[8] Bananas are the number one fruit c...
Unfettered by facts, the US Federal Trade Commission stated that leaded gas was “entirely safe to the health of motorists and the public […] is not a narcotic in its effect, a poisonous dope, or dangerous to the life or health of a customer, purchaser, user or the general public.” ...
Please get the basic mining history facts straight! The Anaconda Co. sold its mining operations to ARCO; which is the Atlantic Richfield Company. Thus it was ARCO that decided to save some money by turning off the pumps! ARCO knew nothing about underground mining operations and had ceased that...