There are more than 300 prophecies about a savior in the Old Testament. This savior is often called the Messiah (Hebrew), or Christ (Greek). Jesus is the only person in history who has ever achieved or sustained a widespread following as being the fulfillment of these prophecies. The Old ...
Jesus is also perhaps the most studied historical figure. For thousands of years, the complete historicity of the Gospels and what they narrated about the life of Christ was taken for granted. However, in 18th century, his life began to be analyzed from a historical-critical-philological point ...
Strange and weird, but a true fact! And if that isn’t enough, take this one. Crocodiles are the largest reptiles, with the estuarine crocodile being the largest of them all, measuring 8 meters. These are just two of the many unknown and interesting facts about reptiles that are sure to...
Fish have multiple Christian and pre-Christian overtones. For example, the Greek word for fish isIchthys, which is an acronym for “Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior” and was used to mark early Christian tombs and meeting places. Because of their association with fertility, fish have also b...
That date was chosen specifically as it lies the day before Christmas, the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. The day is to honor and remember Adam and Eve as the creators of mankind. It is unknown when Eve died. Although across many texts it explains that Adam lived until he was...
Jesus Christ was known to be confrontational when his message was not being understood correctly. Christ was not adverse to conflict and was not as mild and reconciling as he is portrayed during the modern day, in fact there are accounts in which he cursed fig trees for not bearing any frui...
given among men whereby we must be saved, but only Jesus Christ. May god give the reader a right understanding in these facts! To him that believeth, all things are possible, but to them that are unbelieving, nothing is pure, —Titus i. 15. ...
CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed most commonly on December 25 as a religious and. 'Tis the Season!. Christmas in America. Santa Clause –Interesting Facts Christmas Quiz with answer key. The word "Christmas" originated as...
3. The word "Christmas" comes from the Old English, "Cristes maesse" which means "Christ's mass" on which Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is traditionally a celebration of family and children. The modern Christmas tree tradition came from western Germany, from a medieval ...
“I clearly prove Jesus is “deity” and a God…. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is not just “a God”. He is God in the flesh. Coequal with the Almighty God the Father and the Holy Spirit. Emmanuel- God with us. Wonderful Counselor. Almighty God. Eternal Father. The Truth will set you...