JapaneseLanguage ItisoriginatedfromtheChinesecharactersanditiscalled“Kanji”.Itevolvesintoitsownlanguagewithitsowncharactersanditiscalled“Hiragana".Withglobalisation,italsohastoincorporateforeignwordsintoitanditiscalled“Katakana”.GeneralFactsInterestingFactsAboutJapan (A)GeneralFacts JapaneseFood ThemostpopularJapanese...
7. A Paleolithic culture from about 30,000 BC is the first known inhabitants of Japan. 6. Prolific Japanese film-maker Takahi Miike made up to 50 films in a decade during the peak of his career. 4 Facts 5 – 1 5. Animated Japanese films and television shows (.i.e.: Anime) account...
Here are 44 Interesting Facts About Japan. 1-5 Interesting Facts About Japan 1. There are more than 5000 companies worldwide that are older than 200 years. More than 3000 of them are located in Japan and the oldest company in the world was Kongō Gumi, a
place some flowers on the Flame of Liberty to 7 Lady Diana, the former wife of Prince Charles of,Wales.Facts about Paris〉The Eiffel Tower requires 8 every seven years.Paris and Rome are sister cities.The 9 of Japanese tourists who have to be sent back to Japan every year is about 20...
The Japanese consume about 7,461 tons of horsemeat each year(Richard W.M. Jones) Sumo wrestling in Japan can be traced back 1,500 years. Wrestlers weigh 300 pounds or more and train in a heya (room, stable) operated by former sumo champions. Younger sumo wrestlers are traditionally requir...
“Tsundoku” is a Japanese word for the habit of buying too many books, letting them pile up in your house, and never reading them. The Guinness World Record for the longest time spent searching for the Loch Ness Monster is held by Steve Feltham, who camped at Loch Ness for 25 years....
Check out the facts about the tsunami (海啸)and learn some interesting information related to these great walls of water that can cause so much destruction. Find out what causes tsunamis and read about some recent examples of tsunamis that have occurred around the globe. Tsunamis are huge waves...
The results of the current GO4++become the Japanese market on the biggest sales of the Go program.It seems that the competition has gone from mere intellectual competition spread to the commercial sector.In the game,“Hand talk”accidentally lose a few discs.With the GO4++front of the ...
However,Toyota historyis the long expansion in the Japanese market, this famous brand has some interesting notes on the books. Here is a list of 10 coolToyota factsthat you probably don’t know. It was originally Toyoda, with a D.
阅读理解 Check out our tsunami (海啸) facts and lean some interesting information related to these great walls of water that can cause so much destruction. Find out what causes tsunamis and read about some notable recent examples of tsunamis that have occurred around the globe. Tsunamis are huge...