1. Qeshm is the largest island in the Persian Gulf, located in the Strait of Hormuz and has long belonged to Iran. 2 The old name of this island during the Sassanid era was "Abarkan" which means "big island". Interesting facts about Rasht ...
The cheetah (scientific name: Acinonyx jubatus) is a large cat of the subfamily Felinae, which specialized for high speed. Cheetahs live in North and East Africa, and a few localities in Iran. Here are 20 amazing cheetah facts. 1. Cheetah is the fastest land animal on Earth The cheetah ...
Canada is a huge country on the North American continent. The country is divided into ten provinces and three territories and is home to about 40 million people (2023). Canada has lots of superlatives on offer as you will read below. Also have a look at our separateCanada country facts pa...
36. Here’s an interesting fact about ice cream: In the 18th century, George Washington, the first US president, was known to have a sweet tooth for ice cream. His ice cream expenses were documented to be about $200 during the summer of 1790. That’s a lot of scoops for one Founding...
the whole of the Middle East. With striking structures and idyllic artificial islands, Dammam is a great city to visit when you want to relax on the Arabian Gulf. So, whether you are planning a trip or just curious to know more, here are some of the most interesting facts about Dammam....
Dos and Don'ts for Debating Domake eye contact and speak loudly and clearly. Don'tread directly from your notes. Douse conviction in your speech; this will increase engagement. Don'tdisagree with facts or things that are obviously true. ...
For goodness sake: we are talking about a time when the church was firmly in the saddle, when almost every living soul had been inculcated to its doctrines since birth, leaving only a small minority to question its central doctrines, even as they dared to tinker with sp...
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Early Sunday Release) Financial writer and professional trader Rick Ackerman says the economy is tanking, and there is no way to avoid an economic depression. Ackerman explains, “It’s going to be an interesting depres
Longtime blog lurker, very occasional commenter. Been looking for good contact info for you, as I’m about to publish a book called “The Secrets of the Heinlein Juvenille” about Heinlein’s wonderful 12+2 books for kids, examining what structural and thematic qualities have given them such ...
So instead, we squatted down in the street next to a big water pool for fighting fires, which was about the size of this table. Since Hiroshima was completely enveloped in flames, we felt terribly hot and could not breathe well at all. After a while, a whirlpool of fire approached us...