19 % of people with a bachelor's degree marry someone from a race other than their own. Related:Best Online Dating Site Miscellaneous Facts How many infants today are biracial? Today , 14% of infants are biracial. This is 9% higher than the 5% of biracial infants in 1980. What percen...
I dont feel like typing out all the facts or copying and pasting, but for any of you who think that unwed teenage mothers should be allowed to keep their children, please read some of the facts on this link: http://www.cfoc.org/UploadedFiles/MarriageWorksUSA/News/TeenageChildbearingandMar...
Europe in those days considered themselves to be the entire world. It looks like its happening to america now. Whatever they think and do seems to be what goes. Get your facts and statistics right, consider the rest of the world