Although capybaras are often hunted for their meat and skins, they remain widespread and common. There is a small interest in breeding capybaras on commercial ranches, which helps to maintain habitats while allowing for commercial activities. The capybara is found in many protected areas throughout...
You can find out more about the black-footed ferret on this page:Black Footed Ferret Facts Back to animal list Black-Headed Spider Monkey Scientific name:Ateles fusciceps Type of animal: Mammal Where found: Central & South America The black-headed spider monkey is an endangered monkey found in...
15 Interesting Things and Facts of Cambodia: 1. Angkor Wat – Jewel of Khmer Architecture: In the heart of Cambodia lies a masterpiece etched in stone, a testament to the grandeur of the Khmer Empire –Angkor Wat. Nestled amid the lush jungles near Siem Reap, this architectural marvel stand...
In total, 76 beavers were air-dropped into the wilderness. All but one survived the journey, and they quickly set about doing what beavers do best: building dams and creating habitats that benefit the entire ecosystem. This area is now part of the largest protected roadless forest in the lo...
Approximately 80 species of New World monkeys are known to live in the Amazon basin at this time and 90 species of Old World monkeys are found in their natural habitats in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. White-handed Gibbon - New World Monkey: ...
The common raven has a wide distribution in North America and lives in many different habitats. The bird is also found in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. It's often seen at sea level but tends to prefer higher elevations. A pair of ravens live on a forested mountain near my home. Occa...
Common dung beetles commonly live across sub-Saharan Africa, but are absent from regions that are dry and devoid of herbivores. They are not found in Antarctica and their habitats ranging from desert to rainforests. They live in farmland, grasslands, and forests and they do not generally live ...
The first small nematodes to be described, free-living in the seventeenth century and plant-parasitic in the eighteenth, are identifiable only from their peculiar habitats; taxonomy came relatively late in nematology because adequate optical equipment was a prerequisite. In the study of the free-...
Find out about endangered animals here:Endangered Animals Back to index American Bullfrog Scientific name:Lithobates catesbeianus Type of animal: Amphibian Family: Ranidae Conservation status:Least Concern The American bullfrog is a large frog found in lakes, ponds and other wetland habitats throughout...
The best Sloth Facts for Kids. Learn all about Sloths, its scientific name & classification, evolution, appearance, physical features, physical abilities, diet, habitat, lifespan, reproduction, babies, behavior, adaptations, food chain, ecological role,