later becoming a bestseller. This book took six years to complete. He talked about the birth of the universe and black holes and illustrated complex scientific facts in plain and easy language.
14 Facts About Italy You Need to Know A fountain of red wine, the best cheeses in the world, fashion capital, Galileo's big toe in a museum, the greatest number of world heritages… Are you considering traveling to... Read More
Interesting Facts About Jupiter All eightplanetsare fascinating in their own way, however, the gas giant Jupiter is arguably the most interesting. From the first timeGalileopointed his telescope at Jupiter over 400 years ago and saw that it had a moon system, mankind has been captivated by this...
Name meanings are given in many internet websites and we focus on giving more interesting (and useless too!) information about names than meanings. But considering most of our visitors insist to see meaning of JIANCHAO in this page, we are giving you a google search box in which you can ...
While all the gas giants in our solar system have rings none of them are as extensive or distinctive as Saturn’s. The rings were discovered by Galileo Galilei 1610 who observed them with a telescope. The first ‘up close’ view of the rings were by Pioneer 11 spacecraft which flew by ...
Galileo and Projectile Motion In Galileo's time, it was known that bodies fall straight down according to the rule of squares: The distance traveled is proportional to the square of the time. However, the mathematical nature of general path of projectile motion was not known. With the advent...
NASA was established in 1958 by the U.S president Dwight D. Eisenhower to replace its predecessor the National Committee for Aeronautics or NACA. We've compiled some of the most interesting facts about NASA many of which you may not know.
Sameer-January 13, 2016 There was dumb, then dumber, and then dumbest. Finally, there was dumbest-est His theory of Earth’s rotation would have made Galileo commit suicide! 7 Times Jennifer Aniston Made Us Fall In Love With Her ...
Below, we have compiled a list of 10 interesting facts about this planet. Some of them, you might already know. But others are sure to surprise and maybe even astound you. Enjoy! 1. Neptune is the Most Distant Planet: This may sound like a pretty simple statement, but it’s actually ...
Read on to learn some interesting facts about Italy while we all wait to travel again. 1. Italy Has More UNESCO World Heritage Sites Than Any Other Country If it’s history you’re seeking, you’ll certainly find it in Italy. With more than 55 heritage sites, Italy is home to a stunn...