Me: Do you remember the kids that never got picked for any sports games? Her: (laughing) Yeah. That was you? Me: No. I was the kid that those kids beat up. Years ago, I told you about a legal saying that really changed how I looked at the world: Sine qua non. It’s Latin ...
Facts About Plum Trees: Description, Varieties, and Uses Facts About the Coconut Tree: Description and Uses Interesting Facts About Pine Trees Interesting Facts About the Date Palm Tree
These fun fall facts for kids are simply a-maize-ing! Learn more about this incredible season, from its changing leaves to its interesting weather. Keep Reading 14 Classic & Colorful July Flowers That Make Summer Bloom Say hello to sunshine with these pretty July flowers that make summer brigh...
I assure you that no such confectionary female exists. No new wife cares about the old wife’s kids. They’re just an unavoidable complication to the new wife’s own family-to-be. That’s what vasectomy reversals and Swiss boarding schools are for. If I were a ghost mom, my job would...
In this video, we share with you 10 facts about happiness so you can apply these insights to improve your life. #1 Happiness Follows a U-Shaped Pattern Throughout Our Lifetime Research shows that we experience the greatest levels of happiness in early adulthood when we have little responsibil...
Ring-Tailed Lemur Interesting Facts For Kids and Information : The name lemur comes from the Latin word ‘spirit’ or ‘ghost.’ They have a total length of 95cm-110cm. The length of their body is 38.5 cm-45.5 cm (without the tail). ...
If you have a March baby, you'll be interested in these 12 fascinating facts, from birth stones and birth flowers to famous celebrities with March birthdays.
September is the 9th month. The northern hemisphere’s days become cooler and southern day’s longer. Here’s 20 facts all about September.
Restaurants are standing room only as husbands, sons, daughters, and grandkids treat wives, moms, and abuelas (grandmothers) to an often very rare lunch or dinner out. These ladies are showered with gifts and flowers, but most of all, with steadfast love. Then, in the evening, of course...
Interesting Monkey Facts for Kids Monkeys are primates, like humans. Primates have bigger brains than the rest of their bodies, which accounts for their higher intelligence. This is why monkeys are said to be smarter than most other primates. ...