Wall-to-wall carpeting is less healthy than smaller rugs because wall-to-wall carpets tend to be more permanent and harder-to-clean endpoints for moisture, chemicals, liquids, crumbs, and other spills that provide molds, mildew, yeasts, and bacteria (such as e-coli) with a rich and nearly...
There are many interesting facts about sperm that can make a person recognize how important they are to creating a healthy child. Learn something new today!
China is the world’s largest consumer and producer of tobacco.China has about 350 million smokers and produces 42% of the all cigarettes in the world. [WHO; Wikipedia “Smoking in the People’s Republic of China”] One of every three cigarettes consumed around the world is smoked in China...
There are some incredible facts that can lead you on the path of having a better understanding of yourself and others. What Are The Most Interesting Psychological Facts About Life? Being alone can take a toll on your health and make you more susceptible to getting sick. (1) At night, our...
in government offices and most public places, which includes a ban on shishas (water pipes) and prohibits the selling of tobacco to minors. Saudi statistics state that the country is the world’s fourth largest importer of tobacco, and Saudis spend about US$8 million a day on cigarettes.[...
No, Hungary is an affordable travel destination, especially compared to Western European cities.Prices in Hungaryis relatively lower than in many Western capitals, making it an attractive choice for budget-conscious travelers. Basic goods such as milk, cigarettes, bottled water and beer are priced ...
Frank Sinatra was one of the most popular and infuential musical artists of the 20th century. Let’s see some amazing facts and trivia about him!
Cigarettes should be banned. Companies should be required to hire 50% male and 50% female employees. Drug addicts should be helped rather than punished. Drug use should be treated as a mental health issue rather than a criminal offense. ...
No, we don’t (smoke cigarettes together). But first thing that happens is, I come in and he’ll say, ‘Boehner, you are almost as dark as me.’ John Boehner to Sean Hannity If we look at the skin color of John Boehner and Barack Obama, there’s not much difference, except one...
So far I’ve seen a lot of lung cancer in painters (many of them I knew smoked cigarettes, cigars, and less legal materials) but most striking in the obituaries was the pattern in the photographers with so many of them perishing due to brain cancer. Their dark room chemicals are pretty...