Unlike conventional computers that employ a binary number system, quantum machines are based on something more complicated – Quantum Mechanics. They deal with particles much smaller than the size of atoms. At such smaller scales, the usual rules of physics do not make any sense. This is where ...
Anything that crosses the event horizon — the boundary within which escape velocity of a black hole is greater than the speed of light — spirals drastically towards an unknown fate. In recent years, physicists have uncovered a lot of unknown facts about black holes. Some discoveries laid the ...
Atom is the smallest object you can observe under a microscope, whose size is 0.1 nanometer. This technique is called scanning tunneling microscope (STM). The STM technology “sees” atoms using electrons rather than light, which is how most microscopes see objects. Although themicroscopic scaleis...
At the sun’s core, nuclear fusion burns about 600 million tons of hydrogen every second. The remaining four million tons of hydrogen are converted to energy, which makes the Sun shine. Nuclear fusionis the source of Sun’s phenomenal energy output. The Hydrogen and Helium atoms that constitu...
Nonetheless, even the profound vacuum of intergalactic space is not completely without matter, as it contains a couple of hydrogen atoms per cubic meter. By examination, the air people inhale contains around 1025 atoms for every cubic meter. The scanty thickness of matter in space implies that ...
Nuclear physicists –the scientists who study atoms and atomic reactions. Seismologists –the scientists who studyearthquakesand the structure of the earth’s crust and movements. Facts and Information About Famous Scientists for Kids If your kid is interested in science, here are some interesting fa...
In May, he submitted a second paper to the Annalen der Physik and this one explained brownian motion as being caused by the constant movement of atoms in liquid that held tiny suspended particles. It created a tool for studying atomic motion and enforced the kinetic theory. ...
You Won’t Believe These Behind the Scenes Facts About Your Favorite “GAME OF THRONES” TV Series 0 Shares Lifestyle You Will Be Surprised By These Female Body Transformations. Hard Work Pays Off! 0 Shares Lifestyle 19 Women Told Their Deepest Secrets They Are Terrified To Share With Their...
Betelgeuse Could Go Supernova As a star gets older it quickly burns out its hydrogen fuel, and then switches to helium and other elements. During this expanding and cooling stage the star is called a giant, but during fusion heavier and heavier atoms are created until its core is iron, at...
Human blood contains metals atoms including iron, chromium, manganese, zinc, lead, and copper. You may also be surprised to know that blood contains small amounts of gold. The human body has about 0.2 milligrams of gold that is mostly found in the blood. ...