However, when the time for the swallowed pregnant wife, Metis, came to deliver, the child, Athena, came out from Zeus’ forehead. Turns out she wasn’t that a threat after all. If anything, Athena grew to be Zeus’ favorite child and even shared the eagle and thunderbolt representations...
as I’m about to publish a book called “The Secrets of the Heinlein Juvenille” about Heinlein’s wonderful 12+2 books for kids, examining what structural and thematic qualities have given them such astounding longevity. I can think of few people who might appreciate it more than you,...
A harrowing camp story and comedian and actor Sharron Paul@Sharronica. You might recognize her once we start talking. She’s the voice of the mom, Francine, on the kids cartoon Fanny Fun Facts on Amazon, and she’s also in a webseries called “GhostedBusters.”Read More ...