5. Two homosexual lovers, Harmodius and Aristogeiton, assassinated the king of Athens, Hipparchus, and triggered events that would usher in democracy. They became known as the Tyrannicides, the preeminent symbol of democracy to ancient Athenians. –Source 6-10 Interesting Facts About Athens 6. ...
Romania may not be as well-known in North America as the Western European countries, but that doesn't mean it is an insignificant part of the world. Here are some facts of significance you might not have known about or have associated with Romania: ... History The name "Romania" comes ...
Welcome to Mystic Owl, the site for owl fans and lovers everywhere. From ancient Greek and Roman times up to the present day, owls have been a beautiful symbol of intelligence and wisdom. The coins of ancient Athens carried the image of an owl, and even now, owls enthrall us in modern...
Here are 16 Interesting Facts About Oak Tree 1-5 Interesting Facts About Oak Tree 1. The “Tree That Owns Itself” is a white oak tree in Athens, GA, that is widely assumed to legally own itself and the eight feet of land surrounding it. According to new
Ever wondered what the five rings on the Olympic flag symbolize? Find out the answers to these questions plus more interesting Olympic facts.
Facts about Ancient Greece Democracy was born in Greece Greece is an ancient country and the idea of citizens taking part in ruling the government was born in Athens. Here’s a cool fact, the word democracy actually comes from the Greek words demos (people) and rule (kratos). –Demoskratos...
Smuggling a cat out of ancient Egypt was punishable by death. Phoenician traders eventually succeeded in smuggling felines, which they sold to rich people in Athens and other important cities.[8] The earliest ancestor of the modern cat lived about 30 million years ago. Scientists called it the...
Poseidon Facts 5: patron deity Do you know that Poseidon and Athena competed to become the patron deity in city of Athens? Goddess Athena won with her olive tree. Poseidon Facts 6: brother As I have stated before, Poseidon was the brother of Zeus and Hades. Hades is famous as the King...
About UzbekistanHomeAbout UzbekistanFactsSamarkand, Bukhara and Khiva. What is more interesting?Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva. What is more interesting?13 December 2017Let’s imagine that you are in Tashkent for some reason and you have just 1-2 free days to get acquainted with the ancient cities...
Located on the north-west side of the ancient Agora in Athens, the‘Temple of Hephaestus’still stands mostly intact today on top of theAgoraios Kolonos hill. Built between449-415 BCE, the structure of the temple is aDoric peripteral, having6 columns on the short sides (east-west)and13 ...