injections, indignities and treatments. When I got sick, our youngest child turned herself into a horse: silent and untamable, our Horse-child now only whinnies and neighs. Before that, though, she went through a phase we called Interesting Facts. “Interesting fact,” she would announce, and...
In 1953, an employee of Swanson accidentally made a mass order ofThanksgiving turkeys. To be exact, it was 260 tons! In order to get rid of them all, a salesman drew from how airplane food is served and thought of the idea to package a full meal on aluminum trays to be sold. The ...
All the facts about me are boring. Jeruba (56142)“Great Answer” (1) Flag as…I don’t know how to drive a car.Berserker (33548)“Great Answer” (2) Flag as…I am actually communicating with you “from the other side”!ZEPHYRA (21750)“Great Answer” (0) Flag as…...
born to Croatian immigrants in New York City in 1930. Maglica returned to the U.S. in 1950 and worked his way up from machinist to eventually incorporating Mag Instrument Inc. in 1974. Maglica filed a patent application for a new aluminum flashlight design that would revolutionize the industr...
Facts of the Day 1. Adolf Hitler was Time's Man of the Year for 1938. 2. A violin actually contains 70 separate pieces of wood. 3. It took approximately 2.5 million blocks to build the Pyramid of Giza, which is one of the Great Pyramids. 4. The Sea of Tranquility ...
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From left: Airstream associates Virgil Sciullo, Ed Brown, and Art Costello with the Airstream that would be used in the atomic bomb test. The Gold Airstream The 22’ tandem axle Airstream sheathed in gold anodized aluminum is perhaps Wally Byam's most famous Airstream. During the 1956 European...
Earth Day Facts For Kids Interesting Facts About Earth Day For Kids I have always been fascinated with this beautifulplanetthatwe call home! What better way to make awareness and promote green living than having a national awareness day about our Earth. I live in an area full of beautiful mo...
Ten fascinating facts about Mount Rushmore, including information about the secret room, an extra-long nose, and moving one of the faces.
InterestingFactsAboutCanada ThenationalsymbolofCanadaisthemapleleaf.ItisalsothelargestproducerofarefreshinglysweetdessertwinecalledIcewine.Itfeaturesinthelistoftopfiveworld'sproducersofgold,copper,zinc,nickel,aluminum,andnaturalgas.InterestingFactsAboutCanada AfunnyfactaboutCanada'scityofMontreal,sometimescalledTheCity...