Some of the most interesting fun facts about the United Kingdom involve inventions and discoveries. Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin and ushered in the age of antibiotics. Watson & Crick uncovered the structure of DNA at the University of Cambridge. Alexander Graham Bell invented the tel...
Scotland has spawned an amazing number of great thinkers and inventors for its diminutive size : Adam Smith, James Watt, David Hume, John Stuart Mill, Adam Ferguson, Sir Alexander Fleming, Alexander Graham Bell... Scottish literature includes such names as Sir Walter Scott, Robert Burns, Lord ...
2.The refrain “when one door closes, another opens” is actually an Alexander Graham Bell quote which he followed by saying “but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.” Source & More 3.Niels Bohr was gift...
Scottish inventor Alexander Graham Bellinvented the telephone in 1876, although several other scientists claimed to have invented it before him. On February 14, 1876, Bell successfully applied for a “patent,” which registers an invention so that other people cannot sell the same idea for a cert...
English electrical engineer Willoughby Smith (1828–1891) discovered that selenium reacts to light (photoelectric effect), leading to its use as a light sensor in the 1870s. Scottish-born American inventor Alexander Graham Bell (1847–1922) made a selenium-based photophone in 1879. ...
When the first consistent phone service was established in 1878, Alexander Graham Bell suggested answering the phone with “ahoy."[38] The closest relative to bears are seals.[38] Under Joseph Stalin's regime, "Hamlet" was banned. The official reason: Hamlet's indecisiveness and depression were...
This one's for you, stats geeks! Michael Fabiano digs deep to unearth 150 interesting fantasy facts from the 2018 season. So sit back, relax and dive in! You might even learn something.
Ten fun facts about Timothy John Berners-Lee1. Tim Berners-Lee: From Trainspotting to WWW Inventor. As a child, Timothy John Berners-Lee was an avid trainspotter, a hobby which helped him develop an interest in electronics. He would often spend hours playing with model railroads, learning ...