“After Mr. Briney cleaned and oiled his 20-gauge shotgun, the power of which he was well aware, defendants took it to the old house where they secured it to an iron bed with the barrel pointed at the bedroom door. It wasrigged with wirefrom the doorknob to the gun’s trigger so ...
There are many notable things going on in this pretty dispiriting chart. (Do highlight anything you feel is interesting in the comments below.) However I’ll just note here the far chunkier blocks of fiscal support (the government giveth…) and taxation (…and taketh away) seen in the last...
The results speak for themselves: numerous chart-topping hits backed up by powerful live performances—all showing just how versatile an artist Usher really is. His ability to blend multiple styles into something unique makes it easy to see why so many people are drawn to his music—and why ...
Data analysis with Handy Chart that entirely agrees with Dr.Shiva’s claim in the aforementioned video: a vote-swapping algorithm was used, with the result that the more Republican the district, the more votes were swapped to Biden. (Worst case, 85% GOP district with near-zero Trump votes....
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Early Sunday Release) Financial writer and professional trader Rick Ackerman says the economy is tanking, and there is no way to avoid an economic depression. Ackerman explains, “It’s going to be an interesting depres
With their iconic live performances and chart-topping hits, Swedish House Mafia have become one of the most influential acts in the electronic music industry.Also→ Rockport's Newspaper House: Unbelievable!6. From Sweden to Worldwide Fame
And what do you believe to be the average death rate for all hospitals? Based on a chart on the contagiousness, of about 50%, so you can be sure thatmost of the “heroes” are following the protocol and kill the patients: Manual proningis also an indication in Covid-19 patients, but...
Ten fun facts about Imagine Dragons1. From Rookie to Rockstars In September 2012, Imagine Dragons released their debut studio album, Night Visions, and quickly gained exposure. The album was a huge success, reaching number two on the Billboard 200 chart and selling more than 83,000 copies ...
Please get the basic mining history facts straight! The Anaconda Co. sold its mining operations to ARCO; which is the Atlantic Richfield Company. Thus it was ARCO that decided to save some money by turning off the pumps! ARCO knew nothing about underground mining operations and had ceased that...
. The truth is that it is unlikely to work even for weeks or months. The security for this bailout is virtually entirely worthless. The notion that valueless securities and mortgages will somehow gain value when the panic subsides is ridiculous. The panic is well justified by the facts....