Pollution can obscure the sun’s rays and stop light from reaching the Earth. Theoretically, the more humans who switch over to solar energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the greater the Earth’s capacity to harness solar energy. It takes a village, right? Fact: Burlington, Vermont, w...
As indicated by the Big Bang hypothesis, the Universe was born in a hot and dense state around 13.8 billion years ago and started extending quickly. Around 380,000 years after the fact the Universe had cooled adequately to enable protons and electrons to join and form hydrogen. At the point...
But in fact, moonquakes, or "earthquakes" on the moon, keep things just a bit shaken up. Quakes on the moon are less common and less intense than those that shake Earth. The total seismic energy released by the moon is about 80 times less than that released by Earth, according to ...
The information can escape along with Hawking radiation but in a useless and chaotic form. In fact, it could come out in another universe. Hawkingsuggestedthat black holes aren’t the eternal prisons they were once considered. Learn More About Black Hole – 1)Is It Possible To Measure The M...
13. And a fun fact, in 1979 when Skylab crashed at a location, 482 kilometers east from the Australian city of Perth, the Australian government fined NASA $400 million for littering. 12. Back in 1991, NASA lost a Mars Orbiter, due tomix-up between measurement units. Apparently, one syst...
example, there is no sewer system and they use a so-calledpooptruck system to haul the cities’ excrement away. What’s even more interesting is the fact that in order to drink in the privacy of your own home, you must obtain a ‘liquor licence.’ Talk about weird infrastructure and ...
It's easy to enumerate more than 10 interesting facts about Saturn, the sixth planet in the solar system, from the fact that it's lighter than water, to the secrets of its subterranean ocean. The outermost planet visible without a telescope, the Roman na
Titan is the only solar system moon that is known to have a substantial atmosphere. In fact, Titan’s atmosphere is denser than that ofMars, and at a pressure of 1.6 bar, it is more than 50% denser than our own atmosphere. In terms of its composition, the primary component is nitrogen...
Spain’s 17 autonomous regions have strong identities of their own, stemming from the fact that they used to be a number of separate kingdoms. Unification started when Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile married in 1469, although there has been a push for independence in some regions ...
Recognized as the world’s lengthiest lift, spanning 140 stories, the Burj Khalifa’s elevator is the fastest one that travels at a speed of 10 metres/ second. One astounding fact about Burj Khalifa is that it takes less than a minute to reach the 124th floor via the lift. Initially, ...